Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Hey guys. Got busy this week and hadn't stopped by.

Big news for me is my airbnb on the gulf coast was cancelled by the owner, they decided to not rent it out anymore. I'm assuming some a-hole tore it up.

My wife and I have been talking the last 2 years about taking our girls on a trip where we fly somewhere. Last year I took my dad to Santa Cruz, California for a week, he'd always wanted to see the redwoods. He was an absolute bump on a log the entire time we were there. I got 2 good days out of him and then he was exhausted.

I farted around for a few hours on travelocity and kayak trying to figure out what I could put a trip out west together for, and it was coming up to way too much. Then for some reason I decided to check Costco travel. Got it for about 2/3rds of the other way. We're flying to San Francisco, and staying down the coast on Highway 1 for a week in June.

I can't wait to do a bunch of the stuff I didn't get to do before. My dad wouldn't even go to a sushi place with me when we were out there. And I couldn't leave him alone because he's a dick and would have smoked in the rental car or house we rented and acted like it was no big deal. He kept trying to get me to go on a hike I wanted to do and he'd "stay in the car". Which I knew meant he'd either smoke in it with the window down, or stand next to it with the door open while he smoked.

Anyways, if anyone has any good suggestions on what to do in the Santa Cruz / Monterey / Carmel area, let me have it. Definitely going to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. When I told my girls we were going to go to the aquarium from Finding Dori, they about shit themselves.
My wife's bio mom lives in Argentina, and she has a half brother down there that she has never met, along with a bunch of other family.

Her aunt lives in the US, but goes down there every few years, and we'd like to tag along sometime so we have someone who is bi-lingual and knows the area. But definitely not traveling intercontinentally without trying a shorter trip first with the kids.
Last week I bought some oyster mushroom mycelium. Wednesday I hydrated 7lbs of popcorn, and then yesterday I steam pastuerized it in jars with modified lids with gas exchange filter and injection ports.

Then today I knocked them up with yellow and pink oyster liquid culture.

Looking forward to tons of edible mushrooms.
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