Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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@Cerebral Goo thanks for the points. I set up for going professional with the guitar thing when I left government years ago, but sanity prevailed. There is money to be made in the game, but not by doing what I like. I sold several, but I was only interested in the high end concert part of the market and it is tiny. Unless you make a name among the big boys and girls (say, David Russell, Pepe Romero, etc) you would never sell enough instruments to keep busy much less pay the rent. Romero tested a couple of my instruments, and loved the last one he played, but nothing ever came of it. He already had more guitars than he knew what to do with.

Anyway, my guitar building days are done. I sold my stash of top wood several years back (100's of tops, some auctioned for >$100/top), and the tools, forms, and remaining wood will get flogged as soon as I find myself at home long enough to get it done. My last guitar was just for me, and I made it out of wood that would not get me in trouble crossing the US border. All my previous instruments have wood in them that is covered by CITES, and if noticed at the border could get me in deep do do. I tried using an inexpensive travel guitar for that purpose, but I hated playing it, so I made one more. :biggrin: The last one was interesting. Since I was not trying to accomplish anything other than making an instrument that would travel and be pleasant to play, I felt free to bugger around a bit with design. It, I think, turned out to be my best instrument. Go figure.

Anyway mate, nice to run into someone familiar with the mischief. :pighug:
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