We've been cleaning since the kids got home, should be able to vacuum their rooms and the hallway tonight, yay! Seriously looked like tornadoes had gone through in there. Had them pull everything from under their beds too. All that's left is putting away their keep stuff, as they pulled all laundry, then trash (and the boys had to sort trash vs Legos because they have literally like a 3'lxwxh box full of them now that they're all up) before they put *anything* away. #3 did her's almost entirely by herself with only the minimum direction and encouragement from me. The boys are like herding cats so I've spent the last 6.5 hours basically just standing over them keeping them on track. They also got everything off their bathroom floor so that can be cleaned tomorrow. Then it'll just be a matter of clearing their dressers/desks and folding/putting away laundry and their rooms will finally be clean. I absolutely hate having to stand over them like that cause I feel like there's a million other things I could/should be doing instead but hubby was just like "sometimes having a foreman is necessary" and I mean I guess he's not wrong. But this means I can deal with the upstairs floors, which means I can finish cleaning our bathroom tonight too, and then we can deal with downstairs tomorrow. This morning was like a whole ptsd induced breakdown over cleaning for me so I'm really glad they haven't fought me every step of the way at least.