The carrier duty must have had some rushes.
We'd go to the cape when there was time to wait if scrubbed. Nothing like the earth shaking underfoot without worry of your house falling.
I'm still waiting too. The tracking only works for the Spanish leg.
Which breeders HBSS?
Oh yeah, there were quite a few exciting events during that short tour of duty. Disconnecting stanchion linkages on the catwalk under flight deck elevator was one. Stupid squadron boot had backed into a stantion and it couldn't be lowered. It was like 3AM with the elevator in flight deck position. Below was the black death of ice cold water with us being a few hundred klicks from The Horn in South America.
I put the Fear of God into the boot engineman I took with me. I told him to always have one line clipped from his harness before moving. "IF you survive the fall and don't get sucked into the screws and get chopped up, you will die from hypothermia before we or the carrier can get to you." I had him scared sh*tless! I didn't have to remind him when we got to work.
I had a really dumb Lt JG for a division officer that tried to chew my ass for me going out there with me being an E-7. I told him that until he gets my shops fully manned, I'll be a working Chief and take it up with the Chief Engineer if he didn't like it.
I had an in-depth convo with the CHENG when I came aboard about how I ran things. We had a very good mutual understanding of our respective positions. With that understanding, he had my back on everything I did and wanted to do.
I think I impressed him when I physically removed four yardbirds from the ship, when I caught them snorting coke in aft steering when they were working on that equipment. When I found them, I grabbed a big fireman and threw him a big pipe wrench and ordered him to fllow. The yardbirds actually had the audacity to get angry when I interrupted their fun. It didn't work out too well for them. I had two by the back of their shirts moving them thru the ship, hangar bay and off the quarterdeck.
I walked them down the pier and to the yard barge, where the Chief Engineer was having a meeting with the yard people. When I entered the yard office, I threw/pushed the two morons to the grounds and announced, "If I catch these coke snorting morons on my ship, I will throw then from the damn flight deck!"

Not very diplomatic, but quite effective.
edit...........HBSS is a Meph girl