You couldn't make it up could you
@WildBill ....

Happy Friday.........
Fined for frigging ridiculous!
STORY TIME!!!!!!!!
While stationed at Subase Pearl Harbor, I had a friend that had a penchant for Korean bars and "Buy me drink" Korean young women. During the time spent at these bars, ol Tommy would be fed some rather odd food least odd to most. Kimchi, Balut and dried Cuttlefish to name a few.
This ingestion of odd food would give Tommy's digestion system quite the shock and the usual result was quite noxious. Tommy was quite well known for his "SBD's" ...Silent But Deadly.
Roughly once a month, we had divisional quarters on a Monday morning with all the shops in one place and we'd get updates and other info from the Division Officer. We had a young lady that was our divisional yeomen that had an attitude problem. She thought her poop didn't stink and thought she was privileged because of her position. Tommy and I thought she was in dire need of a pretty good attitude adjustment.
So the Sunday evening before divisional quarters, I went with Tommy to his favorite K-bar and we sampled the cuisine, sans the "Buy me drink" women. In addition to the food, we selected a specific beer that was well known for its flatulence production, San Miguel from the Philippines. I got pretty ripped, so I just crashed at Tommy's. Waking the next morning, the grumbling in my guts foretold success. A thumbs up from Tommy assured me his arsenal was in DEFCON1 readiness.
The time came to muster, so Tommy maneuvers around to get next to Miss Priss. As a backup, I told one of my guys to make sure he got on the other side of her. This little gooberhead didn't need exotic food to produce a noxious green cloud. It was his ONLY talent. I could barely depend on him as a gopher.
The stage was set!. Little gooberhead Goss was the first to strike with a SBD. As usual, he let me down with a weak attack. I'm up with the divisional officer waiting for him to finish giving his update. He wanted me to announce the Special Services arraignment I had worked out for some deep sea fishing for those interested. I kept making eye contact with Tommy in an attempt to get him to hurry up with his attack. A devilish smile told me that a massive attack would soon be released. I kept an eye on Miss Priss. Then it happened! I could detect a change in her facial expression. This quickly progressed into a facial flush of her skin and then all color left and her face went white.
Success!..............but it was very quickly going to exceed my hopes. I was expecting a curled up nose and a facial expression of disgust. Instead, I observed a vacant stare that soon morphed into an upwards rolling of her eyes, her body went limp and she fainted straight out! Luckily she timbered towards Tommy, he caught her and eased her to the floor.
It MUST have been a
LONG SBD, because the "cloud" had moved over 10 ft and hit the division officer and I a split second after Miss Priss got laid out. All the divisional officer could say is "OH JESUS!" and try to fan it say from his nose. If this had been a nuke weapon, it would have been a Doomsday weapon! I can see why she fainted!
It did work as intended with her attitude changed by her embarrassment from fainting and razzing from others.