Good thing u got some triangle dragon to start
Yuppers. Not getting any smoke off these, shame too. Those look like full fledge nanners starting on top in less that month though. That's pretty fast. Going to look later and see if any has tiny little preflowers.
Yup. Full blown male. Got 1 that may also be male but can't tell for sure yet. It just may be new growth. Tell you what though, if this opens up by the third that's under a month it grew and fully flowered lol.
Pulled the male and the other was male too. Gonna keep 1 male and I'm sure one of these others will be male. Still tiny but pretty. I think they may be stretching. Internet isnt very good and hopefully they will fix it Monday but will try to get some pics today.
Not looking to bad. Pulled 2 males and the real real scrawny one in case it may root rot and didn't want them all to get it. The 2 babies at the bottom corner are your madness cross. One in perlite came up 2 days before the one in dirt but pretty much the same age. If I wanna go organic my ass needs to learn to make teas and stick to my perlite lol. These are 19 oz bottles too.
I can't yet. Internet jacked up again. That the mix folks call living soil? Where you can just cut the plant and plant one next to the old one. No till soil? That's what I was aiming for but figured I'd learn to grow in basic soil first before i dump some money into that stuff. Had a buddy in Colorado that mixed his own soil (commercial grower) and when he put his clones in it he was done till he harvested. It was pretty hot stuff though. Born up any seeds. He called that supersoil