No there's not a lot of research on lighting for the inter crop lighting.
I found a lot of far red technology high end LED chips in the hair care Arena. There's many manufacturers out there creating far red and infrared technology to help grow human hair. Still expensive. But the Technologies there and it can be adapted to growing.
So if you can't find the research on intra lighting???
Then you're in the same boat I am.
I had to create my own tests and do my own research with my own lights with my plants. Inside and outside. It's alot to do when you grow a loan and organically. Organically takes much more time than with chemicals. I can speed up my research a lot if I do chemically. But I Just can't get myself to do that though.
But as I said earlier... cool white light is the way to go intra as far as I can tell....
I haven't experimented yet with the far red leds inter but I have with deep blue. But not with LEDs. Reptile lights are kind of expensive. And they're not very efficient. The old T8 tubes and t5 But the new blue UVB/A chips are very expensive but show better results.
Hopefully here within the next few months to a year they may come down to where they're more affordable. As the industry picks up and starts producing more of them the technology becomes more affordable. For the deep blue and far red.
If you want to know the truth you have to seek it out.
Perform your own experiments on your own plants and publish the results so we can all read it.
Something like my 315cmh 40k with high quality far red led chips
Good luck ..
Happy growing