There's a lot of Chandra.... Which one is relevant to growing or grow lighting? Or cannabis lighting..?I'm just glad you didn't say genetic drift lol. This time around I only took clones of everything to try out and made cloned mothers.
We have a thread around here on how to mix your own nutrients. I don't think it will be incredibly hard just initially time consuming. I still haven't found ideal NPK ratios but I don't know how much it matters entirely as I've seen success with many ratios. Scienceinhydroponics has a calculator and guides to replicating many commercial nutrients or even a basic Hoagland solution.
I'm fond of going organic for outdoor for my outdoor crops cause it makes sense but I'll keep my indoor canna in hydro for the foreseeable future lol.
Have you seen the lighting studies by Chandra?
Next month I'll be buying a Apogee quantum light sensor.
I'm not sure yet which one. But one that can blue tooth with my phone. And as multi-functions.