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Bc blonds is legit. They use meanwells and prices are great. I just don't like how they cram in tons of cobs to a small space. The Ali-china light is most likely a bad decision. Unless it's super cheap but then again they do figure crazy ways to save money and on a grow light that's not the best idea. Check Amare out here in the vendor section. 20% off makes them a super deal. Not only cobs but enhanced cobs that have proven results. The monos are all Cree as well and will veg autos to day 30 without question. Then flip the cobs and watch them explode. Great value and great company. I bought 3 se-450's and then 2 more pro-4's shortly after. His website is under construction so it's best to send them an email if your interested
DIY isn't for everyone that's for sure. Do you have a link to the light or a photo? This sounds like a typical Chinese light. They list 3590 but not the individual LEDs themselves. Then to see them use a 16.7a driver is insane. 3590's driven at 1.4a equals 60% efficiency so adding 6 cobs in parallel puts the cobs alone at 2.8amps at 100w each. Running a driver this large in series can be catastrophic. If one cob blows you'll be in for one hell of a surprise seeing the amperage increase on the remaining cobs as they all blow.

I never understand why somebody craftier don't do diy leds for sale?? Make 3-4 models and don't go with heavy profit... I bet he would kill the sales..
Imagine if you can buy Diy for 50$+ than the price of parts is when you put it together..
I never understand why somebody craftier don't do diy leds for sale?? Make 3-4 models and don't go with heavy profit... I bet he would kill the sales..
Imagine if you can buy Diy for 50$+ than the price of parts is when you put it together..
One of the main reasons no one has is because after buying all the parts and pieces you'll be nearly the same price as a completed light. I messed with some frames that would have been pretty nice to sell but the total cost for the material was 150 which is to high even without any profit. image.jpeg
In my opinion the guy that runs Tasty LED is doing pretty close to that. Basically a few different CXB3590 rigs in nice metal cases. Think he'll customize them a little as well from what I remember some of the folks who've talked to him saying.
In my opinion the guy that runs Tasty LED is doing pretty close to that. Basically a few different CXB3590 rigs in nice metal cases. Think he'll customize them a little as well from what I remember some of the folks who've talked to him saying.
I agree. DIY will always look like an erector set no matter how nice of s job you do. The Options available and current pricing makes buying a built light pretty close to the same price. Tasty has good prices, bc blonds has unbelievable prices, and Amare after the 20% off deal here on afn gives you very good prices and something you can't DIY.
Yes and they are all across the ocean..Shipping and customs raises the price nearly 40% for my coutry at least :( ... Closes that I found is tgl ,only good led non pricey in eu is hans... I'm hoping that chinese will start using citizen bins,coz they aren't expensive and they good..

@BigSm0 I will making exsact copy of diy light that you posted.. I dont grow anymore but at least I will have something to amuse myself with it..

if tasty isnt in usa i would have his ligbt ages ago..
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trying to get my head around all this, wanting to swap from hps to led, is there a conclusion to whats comparable or better than a 600w aircooled hps in a 4x4. without going for super expensive leds as I keep seeing the cheap panels on ebay.

Buy two 300 watt LED's (the cheap ones) and give it a go.
You can always upgrade. As I have gone this way and I grow
some tasty bud.
but need a tried and tested light so I don't drop too much yield or waste a Cpl months to not make the cut.

I'm sticking with what I have for now but would like a summer option aswell.

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