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Cool, thanks! More and more people seem to do that nowadays and I can see why. But unfortunately too few that I know of actually finish their builds and show results... that's the only thing that leaves a slightly bitter taste in my mouth.

I saw you can get 180-240W assemblies for 150€ today but still I know customs here and I do NOT want to explain to them what those crazy lights are... I'm pretty sure they have seen those before and I don't want to take the risk. Naked LEDs on the other hand... nobody cares.

I don't have any background in lighting but I do have experience in building electronics and access to a 3D printer which I want to use to create the LED enclosure(s) and mod my Waterfarms a little.

However I still have to do a lot of reading first, plus I'm much broker than broke right now :D But whenever I build it I'll post it here, who knows, maybe I'll get lucky and can get to it sooner than I think.

As for that basic electrical engineering course you're looking for: I'd try Youtube. They have great video tutorials on PCB layout editors and such stuff. But of course you'll need to be able to make your own PCBs somehow, or get them made. There shouldn't be too much else to it other than a bunch of resistors and cooling, from the photos I've seen LED lamps don't seem really "smart", just LEDs that get power pumped into them. No smart light handling, programmable schedules or anything so they should be rather easy to build, I'd wager a guess the biggest problem is getting the right LEDs (power, manufacturer, lens and spectrum wise - and for a good price).

But I'm still pretty much talking out of my ass here and could be 100% wrong, I don't have anything to show yet but it's a subject that I'm starting to be very interested in. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this thread :check:
Well that's an interesting read mate,and clearly shows the dirty tricks some of the company's get up to in order to continue to make the massive profits they have in the a consumer I expect a company I'm buying from to make a profit,but when some companies are charging massively over the top prices its pisses us off.but more people are getting wise to buying direct,or buying from a company like grownorthern,great lights at a resonable price,one grow and they've paid for them selfs easily.
these dodgy companies will be the long term losers.
I read a similar smear campaign by hydrogrow on a uk LED company last year.
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Hi all,

Looking for a little advice here. :help:
I'd finally decided (after reading this thread and many others on here....cheers kpritonite and others :bow:) that I was gonna take the plunge and go "Chinese" and get me a couple of units from bsled.
The prob I have is that a friend who also has been looking into lights from china is convinced on the new intergrated chips and can get a nice discount if I go in with him.
So what do I do? Go with the tried and tested normal ones or the "new 2013" model that I have no info on?
Anyone know anything bout these?...
im sure this isnt the thread for this, but i was curious if anyone had heard of the brand Zeppelin for LED lights? i saw one on the old fleabay and thought i might see if anyone knows anything about it?
I know nothing of that company mate.but if you are gonna take the plunge your probably safer to stick to one of the manufacturers that's been given a good rating in the thread,you know there gonna do the job if a member has used them.:2cents:
The zeppelin LEDs are a new ish style that coming out of china.never seen anyone use one though mate.
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"Cover material: Iron." Makes me think the sides of it are giant metal slabs.

The led modules each have 48 1w leds. It's dual spectrum, with a 5:1 red to blue ratio, no ir or uv... The heat sinks look good... lots of surface area. The reflective light cups are a step in the right direction too...

Will it grow? Yep. Are there better options? Oh hells yeah.
Also, with 48 leds crammed into one surface mount package, you're kind of boned if one of them gets too hot and fries itself.

Just thought of that.
Damn.... wish i knew how to multi quote....:confused: :D

Cheers peeps...that's put the nail in.....looks like its gonna go my way :dance2:
I've been in contact with a chap called nick at bsled and all is very friendly and welcoming....
Big thanks to OP and kriptonite as I would never been confident enough to go for it without reading this thread and kripto's sound advice.
This place rocks :group:
I'll post some pics when my new toys turn up :booya:
Check out dudes, its what im using and it works a charm. Check my grow log. For 2x Apollo4s was 500USish including shipping. Just brought me a apollo 6 for 300us including shipping
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