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kryptonite you tell us all this stuff about your awesome lights from china but where did you buy them?

Just a tollerance on Flamming at AFN..:thumbs:
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next time i buy a light im gona message you first with the details to see if its reputable. but i have a question for you kryptonite, like technically speaking if you have one LED module and you add another lens, wont that slightly diminish the amount of light it puts out because it has to travel through more glass (or plastic)? like idk i feel like the concept of double lens sounds really deceiving, like it might in theory penetrate more, but what would be the difference if you want the LED to have more penetrating power than dispersing power, get LEDs that have a 90 degree lens as apposed to a 120 degree.

idk if youre into astronomy or photography, but when you use something like a barlow lens or an extension on your camera lens, it changes the way the light behaves yes, but it doesnt produce more light, it usually makes the amount of light you have in the eye piece of less quality leading to pixelation in cameras or blurryness along the perimeter in telescopes. Does this make any sense to you mate?

does anyone know if t shirt ninja is still on this network?! he was also an LED expert if i recall correctly
Anyone bought LED lights from Ebay seller "ledgrowlightmanufacturer"??

My friend bought LEDs from them and they are kind of bleaching his seedlings to death(?)!

Some people was talking about underfeeding.. but we tried many times. They are 30" under a 600w LED panel.

View attachment 163719

Any input?
I bought their 135w and it seems to be harsh on young ones and new growth even up to 30 inches. I'm down to 12hours a day. my ph was low I get yellowing during the veg. stage. but they're dark dark green during the last 3 weeks. My ph was low I'm still dialing in my nutes I was using cfl's before and it's been a big change jumping to led's. My pics are in the infirmary "help yellowing in veins". I've got my seedlings under cfls for now. might just need more nitrogen after week 3 but may be too harsh. I'm covering a 4x4 area with one 135w. what's your thread we can share info
thanks for your response kryptonite! ill keep that in mind and more than likely invest in the 126x :D. but dont think im not gona harass you looking for the cheapest prices from china lol i mean if you can get away with paying a third of the normal retail cost than i can get two and still save some money :brow:!
I don't mean to intrude and hope this isn't considered off-topic but since we're already talking about LED assemblies from China... what about LEDs (the naked diodes themselves) from China? I reckon much more money could be saved if we built our own boxes, assemblies or whatever you want to call them - plus we'd be able to *really* customize them.

For example it seems like you could get 60 3W 90lm 120° LEDs for roughly $60 shipped from eBay/HK; Crees for $2 a piece. Of course we need more than just the lights but including cooling, PSU etc. I think $100 might be possible which would translate to 75€ - and that would seem like a really great price point for a (customizable) 180W LED lamp.

I tried checking Farnell and Digikey but they don't seem to offer very attractive prices for small orders.

But maybe I'm just too uneducated on the subject so please ignore this post if it's idiotic :joint:
Not at all Keyser, I've been doing exactly that for the past couple of months!

Unfortnately, I dont have a bckground on electrical stuff, so I haven't gotten very far. But I am loving the learning curve. This is the best site I've found so far, they seem to carry
everything needed to get going.

If you ever get to build one, please let me know, I'd like to follow your build !
I really want a basic course on electrical engineering to be confident to build my own stuff!
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