INTJ & Non-Violent Domestic Extremist
Yoz, again, we need an in-soil pH for sure,... this is not a leaf on the soil surface issue, or pests, or an infection, or very likely, a defc. issue either.... your excellent pics show the progression very well, but alas, I can't pin the problem down, at least not until we have a proper soil pH reading.... do you have a soil probe, like an Accurate 8? If you have to do a run-off test, use this guide ( https://www.autoflower.org/threads/...-testing-and-ph-estimation.41733/#post-928975 ) ...the run-off method is prone to measurement errors, but this one at least helps address those some,...it still looks most like the sudden pH shift symptoms I usually see in hydro, sometimes coco,... your EC, how much of that is the water, or are you using RO/DI? ...... I'm looking at the color of the dead tissue, and how fast it happens, how it dries out quickly, so much so that sometimes a little chlorophyll is still present,... I'm recommending a flush in any case, so do that improved r-o test first,.. make sure you have some RO/DI water for part of that test!
Hi @Waira - thanks again for your input!
I do not possess an in soil pH meter, so will grab one ASAP.
It's #1 on my to do list.
Regarding the water EC ... we have hard water here.
Tap water is pH 7.8-8.1 with EC of 0.5-0.6.
This is measured EVERY watering, prior to nutrients and pH down being added.
The only assurance I can give is that any pH shift has NOT been from any watering.
I am absolutely anal about the pH of the feeding I give the girls, and so far for this grow, is has been pH 6.3 EVERY time.
For there to be a pH fluctuation - which I accept there could have been given your far greater knowledge on the subject - it would HAVE to have been in the medium itself.
Can soil give this type of fluctuation?
That would kinda piss me off if it could, given how meticulous I am about the pH going IN to it!
Anyway - we'll know more once I get my hands on that in-soil pH meter.