Indoor AK in 2x2x4 with one Autocob - Coco Hempy Bucket

You can use a little space heater right outside your intake it will drop it by 5-10%.

Looks like in two weeks time you'll be looking at some good candidate. I share your humidity concerns, ffiw, I had to chop down 800 wet grams of the biggest colas at 11.2 weeks because of a suddenly developing bud rot situation. I bought a 10L dehumidifier but as the temperature was already 32 outside, it was useless. But the next week the temp dropped to about 25 and he dehumidifier works. With the ambient temp and humidity at 27C and 80RH it could get it down to 30C and 60RH. I'm also using it in the drying room now with an air con. I thought it was a waste of money at first but it's brilliant for $200.

thanks for the advice. I'm not concerned with spending cash on additional equipment. problem is electricity where i live is expensive so i was trying to find non-electric ways to deal with it. calcium chloride is helping me reduce the RH but i ned bigger quantities which i cant find in my city so i'm waiting to take a trip to a bigger city where i can buy it. but i think eventually i will buy the a heater or a dehumidifier.

First day of week 6 of flowering. Reduced feeding to 1.0 EC of MC (ver 1) with out CalMag Pro. Have mag deficiencies, but tip burns on all leaves (including sugary ones on buds) and N toxicity, so not sure if i should continue giving CalMag Pro due to its N.

What i thought were calyxes are sugary leaves... so i guess i can still expect bud to get fatter... nice!!!

Oh! and my ph pen was not properly calibrated and it turns out i was 1.0 above the correct values... so i guess for about 2 months this plant had been taking nutes at 6.8-7.0 ph!!! lordddd cannabis really amazes me! It's been 3 days after calibrating, and i just went straight to correct values, no gradual change, and the plant just showed more symptoms of N toxicity but still no ph fluctuation symptoms. She is quite resilient!

Bunch of pics taken yesterday (April 24th):







Today is day 6 - week 6 of flowering, 122 days including veg. Lately only feeding MC 1.0, no more Cal-Mag despite little Cal and Mag def symptoms (i had N toxicity symptoms), no bloom additives (want to see what i can obtain with just base nutes). Managed to lower RH, now it's between 55-66%.

Many pistils are changing! Main cola looks like it's trying to get away from the light! Trichomes are mostly milky, few stil clear, only see very very few amber.

Here are a bunch of pics:
bush full off.jpg
cola a-b full off.jpg

cola a full off.jpg
cola a full on.jpg
cola a top on.jpg
cola a zoom top on.jpg

cola b full off.jpg
cola b full on.jpg
cola b top on.jpg
cola b zoom top on.jpg

side branch full on.jpg
side branch semi-full on.jpg
side branch zoom top on.jpg

back branch full on.jpg
back branch top on.jpg
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Today is day 6 - week 6 of flowering, 122 days including veg. Lately only feeding MC 1.0, no Cal-Mag despite little Cal and Mag def symptoms (i'm getting N toxicity symptoms too), no bloom additives (want to see what i can obtain with just base nutes). Managed to lower RH, now it's between 55-66%.

Many pistils are changing! Main cola looks like it's trying to get away from the light! Trichomes are mostly milky, few stil clear, only see very very few amber.

Here are a bunch of pics:
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They look good to me I don’t see any of those issues. Maybe tag an expert and take some detailed pics of the issues.

Next time you might look into low stress training to keep them from stretching into your lights.

Buds look good though and big yields coming!
They look good to me I don’t see any of those issues. Maybe tag an expert and take some detailed pics of the issues.

Next time you might look into low stress training to keep them from stretching into your lights.

Buds look good though and big yields coming!

cool, thanks!

most of the problems are no longer evident and i think i have tackled them by now, and some were too small to see in pics anyways. i was going to solve the mag def with epsom salts but i decided to see how much she is affected if i don't give her the salts. seems to be going well.

She was trained as best as I managed to, still got lots to learn though... i think the actual problem was suuuch a long veg time (3 months), and she tripled in size after flowering started. But all is good actually, pretty happy with the frostiness!!!!
cool, thanks!

most of the problems are no longer evident and i think i have tackled them by now, and some were too small to see in pics anyways. i was going to solve the mag def with epsom salts but i decided to see how much she is affected if i don't give her the salts. seems to be going well.

She was trained as best as I managed to, still got lots to learn though... i think the actual problem was suuuch a long veg time (3 months), and she tripled in size after flowering started. But all is good actually, pretty happy with the frostiness!!!!
Wow ya 3 months of veg and she’s climbing out of that tent lol. Stay with it big nugs on the way.

Today is day 5 of week 7th of flowering. Just feeding MC 1.0 at max EC 0.9 with pH 5.8-6.0 . Light is still 4-6 inches from the main tops. Rh is between 55-65% and temps 18C-23C.

Many more pistils turning brown, some receding. I see mostly milky trichomes, and just a rare amber one or two if i look hard. I think she will be ready for me to harvest by the end of week 8, so i plan to begin lowering nute strength from tomorrow and try to have last 2-3 last days of only water.

No yellowing yet on any fan leaf, but some of the fan leaves closer to the light are showing little Ca def symptoms, and some sugary leafs from the main bud closest to the light are showing light-stress symptoms and the tip of bud itself is growing away from the light.

Have been trying some pieces of sugary leaves on the vape at 180-195C... I just cut the pieces and put them straight in the vape. No chlorophyll or bad tastes at all, just a sweet fruity taste that a couple of us describe as grape.

Some pics from last night

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She looks gorgeous! Absolutely covered in trichromatic amazingness. I would go another week or 2 and see how much they swell. Either way congrats!
She looks gorgeous! Absolutely covered in trichromatic amazingness. I would go another week or 2 and see how much they swell. Either way congrats!

Thanks! I will try to wait but i'd rather chop sooner than later... do not like couchlocking herb. I will let it finish the whole 8 weeks and check trichomes, but im so excited i might not be able to wait more!!! im organizing my self to harvest on day 59-60.
good thing is i have 6 clones from this plant already rooted and vegging, so i can get a second go and maybe try longer flowering and see the diference!
i'm still amazed at the light i'm using, i'm supposed to be using two of these in this space but just one seems enough for me for now!!!
:growing: all that worry about being stunted and she turns out to be a monster photo!! those 3 months of vegging time will be worth it once harvest comes @elcoloan . 100+ days guaranteed atleast 1 gram LOL. looking forward to see the monster yield from this healthy and frosty plant.

i swear ive been in your journal.. but oh well.. im here now! tag me inon the next one pls. :pass::pass: