Indoor AK in 2x2x4 with one Autocob - Coco Hempy Bucket

It’s getting really big and bushy! At that stage I pulled the branches and tied them down a bit which opens up the center for more bud sites to catch up.
It’s getting really big and bushy! At that stage I pulled the branches and tied them down a bit which opens up the center for more bud sites to catch up.

i wish i could tied them! but there isn't more lateral space in the tent for that i think! i do try to do some leaf tucking but always do it after i take the pictures... but there are several bud sites... i get distracted when counting bud sites after 14 hehhehhe i need her to start forming buds now, no more veg!!!!

Great job here! :d5:

@Waira @Rebel or anyone who can help... could you advice me what to do please? should i maybe reduce light hours from 20 to 12?

I'm feeling this plant isn't really an Auto. It's been 81 days since seed was pùt in moist paper towel. She started showing pistils at the end of week 5... but it's the end of week 11 now and pistil productions haven't increased much, plant just keeps stretching and growing new shoots.
I do see a small new pre-flower here and there on new places, and nodes have been uneven for almost a month now... so I have to assume it is in preflowering.. but darn its a long preflowering!!!

breeder state 70-80 days full cycle.
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Something is definitely up. The plant is healthy but at 11 weeks it should be nearly finished. I started a bean the same day as you. I have to agree that it does not appear to be an auto.

and the other auto im growing (royal bluematic) was bought in the same store as where i bought the seed for this auto ak and seems to be going the same... a bit over a month old and still no signs of pistils. definitely wont be buyng anymore seeds in that store, but have like 10 more stored from them!!!
so... i contacted the breeder and they said there must have been a mistake during packaging and i must have gotten a photo AK instead of an auto... so i switched to 12/12 a couple days ago. i guess i'll have to ask @archie gemmill to get this thread moved out of this section of the forums. sorry for the error.
so... i contacted the breeder and they said there must have been a mistake during packaging and i must have gotten a photo AK instead of an auto... so i switched to 12/12 a couple days ago. i guess i'll have to ask @archie gemmill to get this thread moved out of this section of the forums. sorry for the error.
No big deal! You didn’t know!
ohh bugger :cuss:one thing a new auto grower dosnt need,and thats a photoperiod or one of them stuck in transistion types :wall: no your fault pal,you thought you was growing an auto like the rest of us just the poor sod thats been left to deal with it.upside is its gonna be big :thumbsup:
indoor grow section.....photoperiod plant ...hmm i dont think im feeling so anti photoperiod that i should move this over to the photo section...
ya put it here in good faith,you comfy here so here we will stop :pass: keep @ ing me im terrible at keeping up :coffee2:
good luck n keep er lit.
@Waira @Rebel or anyone who can help... could you advice me what to do please? should i maybe reduce light hours from 20 to 12?

I'm feeling this plant isn't really an Auto. It's been 81 days since seed was pùt in moist paper towel. She started showing pistils at the end of week 5... but it's the end of week 11 now and pistil productions haven't increased much, plant just keeps stretching and growing new shoots.
I do see a small new pre-flower here and there on new places, and nodes have been uneven for almost a month now... so I have to assume it is in preflowering.. but darn its a long preflowering!!!

breeder state 70-80 days full cycle.

I'm sorry you're dealing with this... This happens more often than it should...

I'm sure you've already gotten sound advice but definitely flip to 12/12 if you haven't already. It's staying in pre flower state because it needs the light schedule to change into bloom. Obvious signs of a photoperiod. :pass: