Indoor AK in 2x2x4 with one Autocob - Coco Hempy Bucket


Today this Auto AK turned 48 days old... not many other pistils have shown up after last update. She has what i now think are sprintails but began thinking were thrips .

She now is fed at 1.0-1.1 EC of MC, plus 0.1 EC of cal-mag. I think it does need some more Mag.
In the pictures I seem to see tip burn/discoloring, but i don't see it otherwise and i have good vision. How do you guys see her?

65 watt 3500 k Autocob is at 34 inches from plant's top.

Pictures from yesterday

Pictures from this morning
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Yep, I see a healthy plant. Are you intending to flower the plant with this light or add more? If not I'd bring the light a little closer.

yes, i intend to use the same light. will lower it eventually if the plant doesn't stretch into it.

I'm concerned with the density of foliage... I think I should do some defoliation... not sure how to go about it though.
yes, i intend to use the same light. will lower it eventually if the plant doesn't stretch into it.

I'm concerned with the density of foliage... I think I should do some defoliation... not sure how to go about it though.

You pretty well cannot go wrong defoliating, no matter how hard you go it won't be enough so just start with a few big fan leaves. You have to overcome the psychological barrier. Or not. But with only 65W a bit more light will help.

Today is day 55 for this Auto AK. Getting bigger every day, few more pistils too. Gotta say I underestimated her size.

Her top is at 30 inches from the light now.

2 days ago i removed 15 big old fan leaves. Might do another defol in a few days.

She now is fed at 1.0-1.1 EC of MC, plus 0.1 EC of cal-mag. Will increase Mc to 1.2 since some bottom leaves are yellowing. BE arrives until march 20something so for now just MC, maybe will not even use BE at all to see how it turns out.

Pictures from today
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