Indoor AK in 2x2x4 with one Autocob - Coco Hempy Bucket

Dude why do you keep saying this.NOT everyone plants in the Final container,. Most growers I know don't either. I don't have space.
Elcoban- Your plant looks good. the hardest thing to learn when growing is Patience!!

I'm aware that it's not a rule, but it's a useful tip for new growers looking to maximize their yield. And is fairly logical in its approach, where every day is important and just a few slow growth days can have an impact on yield.

cool, not discouraged at all, glad to be learning and to have people to discuss these topics with.

this auto is my first one and not from a famous breeder/bank so i'm not expecting much. will do two more auto seeds like this one to keep getting basics of autos as clear as possible before i go into my more expensive seeds hehehehe so... as long as i can harvest a few healthy flowers and learn in the process to apply with the bigger name seeds i have stored for future grows, i'll be very happy... if not, at least i must hav learnt something for next grows ;)

btw this auto auto ak is supposed to take 70-80 days... so I think it has time to produce at least a healthy cola.

i was thinking of training her, bend the crap out of her and get that stalk completely horizontal to make sure vertical height isn't a problem... this light seems to be more powerful than expected. i've always been able to do lst with my photos no problems.. hope this auto lets me train her too.

For sure, I'm assuming it will be around 4 weeks of veg and then begin flowering. Not sure what the average height is for that breeder's AK but with regards to training (average height being around 60-80cm), it is very strain dependent too. I've run some strains that love getting some fairly aggressive training and others that didn't handle it well at all and got super stunted by it. But there's one way to find out :) Some genetics have really nice branching structure that makes natural growth a pleasure with some very minor LST and tucking.

Your girl still has a lot of time on her, so I'm sure you'll be able to get a decent harvest from her. At most, she only had a slow few days between day 4 and 10, with it being a fairly lengthy strain I'm sure the yields won't suffer too much at all.
Disregard the guy who told u that planting in the final pot first doesn’t matter.. it DOES.

Sure if that guy doesn’t have space sure, use solo cups. But his plants won’t quite reach 100% of the potential they could have if that tap root went uninterrupted for 10” str8 downwards ;) the roots determine how far UP and OUT your plants will reach.

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I think she's been doing well. Not sure if growth rate is going ideal now.... she is in her 3rd week already, but since i see new growth every day, i guess she's not doing so badly.
She has a little discolored patch i hope is nothing bad.
She's been receiving 0.3 EC of MC, ph 5.8. She droops a little after watering but i noticed this happens more when i water near the base.
This week is the last she'll be accompanied.. then it's just her in the tent.

Some pictures from today:

She turned 20 days old today (23 from germination). She was a slow one from the very start, and I made things worse by starting her in a very small cup, then transplanting... and I've noticed she droops easily if I water too often or too close to the stalk which i'm used to being able to do with my photo plants.
I began feeding 0.4 EC today, no cal-mag yet. Not sure if i want to try increasing dosage any more... it scares me hehhehe
I can see a root next to the drain hole so for now I will definitely wait at least 48 hours before watering.

Some pics of her progress
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She turned 26 days old today. I noticed what i think are some light stress symptoms, so I put the light a bit higher. It's now at 36 inches from the top of the plant. This height seems to be the minimum height so far before getting stress symptoms.

Her last feed was at 205 ppm / 0.44 EC / 5.8 ph, including 30 ppm of calmag (Mega Crop and Cal-Mag Pro). Cotyledons are getting yellow now, so I think next watering/feed will be at 0.5 EC incl cal-mag.


As always, any input is appreciated.​

I'm thinking of starting another auto since this Auto AK seems to be running late and small.

She turned 32 days old today. 5 days ago I started bending her... I was tempted to top her as well but not quite sure yet so went with LST. Still hasn't shown any signs of preflowers. I've even checked witha 60x scope... nada.

Still 20/4 photoperiod and at 36 inches from autocob... any closer and leaves start canoeing and showing light tips on new growth. Humidity decreased into the 50's after getting all other plants out and temps are at 77max lately so maybe VPD is not ideal right now, but plant seems well...

I'm watering/feeding every 2nd day. Her last 4 feeds were at 319-377 ppm / 0.6-0.8 EC / 5.8 ph, including 30-50 ppm of calmag (Mega Crop and Cal-Mag Pro). No burnt tips yet, no leaves getting yellow (cotys did fall off already), but I think ill stay for week or so at 0.8 EC... might just increase watering times to every day.

Some pics before today's waterring/feeding...


Today begins week 6 for this Auto AK... I increased feeding to 0.9 EC (including 0.1 EC of Cal-Mag pro). Last feed, two days ago, was at 0.8 EC.
Tips of some leaves seem yo be getting a bit yellow, but no burnt tips yet, green looks nice, and plant is finally starting to produce an aroma...

65 watt 3500 k Autocob is still at 36 inches from plant's top.

I think i see some small preflowers here and there but no pistils yet.

Pictures from this morning
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Today is the last day of week 6 for this Auto AK (41 days old)... definitely a slow auto!
I see some small pistils in the main stem. Never had such a dense and short plant.

She now is fed at 1.0 EC of MC, 1.1 EC with cal-mag. I hope to be able to keep her just eating MC and Cal-Mag pro when needed, but just in case I will have some bloom boster at hand, most probably Bud Explosion.

65 watt 3500 k Autocob is at 35 inches from plant's top.

I decided to start two new seeds next week, 1 auto and 1 photo. The auto will be the Royal Bluematic from RQS, the photo I'm still trying to decide between Black D.O.G. from HSO , or Purple Afghan Kush or White Widow from Dinafem.
My plan is to vegetate and mainline the photo while the autos are doing their thing under 20/4... so once both autos are done, i will flip into 12/12 for the photo.
I hope i can do this for a while, i mean, grow an auto or two while I veg+mainline a photo.
what do you think??

Pictures from this morning
(tried taking pics with different light settings, still can't find agood one)
