Indoor AK in 2x2x4 with one Autocob - Coco Hempy Bucket

But something is causing it stunted growth, and I have a feeling it was the tap root suffering in the earlier stages, instead of being able to establish itself properly. You'll need to give it some time to recover from the transplant now (the reason why one wants to avoid any transplanting with autos), a week lost to recovery at this period is going to ensure a stunted plant. However, there should still be hope...

What light cycle are you running her at? I personally prefer 20/4 over 18/6, but 18/6 should be fine too. I'm just thinking more. Doesn't seem to be stretching much, so light intensity seems fine.

She woke up looking much better! I'll post some pics in a couple hours.
I'm doing 18/6, but will increase today to 20/4... i wanted to see how big it would grow at 18 but I think ill increase light to compensate the stunt!
After her transplant from last night she was a bit droopy, but this morning awoke better. In the morining I watered with MC + CalMAg at 0.23 EC, ph 5.8-5.9, and after about 7 hours she has NOT drooped so I guess all is good! I today will increase here light hours from 18 to 20.. let's see if she catches up!

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she is moving on! slowly but i think i see her recovering color and growth... i'll upload pics in about half an hour.
Seedling is 36 inches from the autocob, getting 20/4. 12 days now since it sprouted. Seems to be recovering well. I've watered the pot with nutes every morning at 0.3 EC and but think i might have to lower back to 0.2. I see the tips of the new growth a bit yellow, or maybe light burn?

Pics from this morning
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Nothing stunted or slowed at all, looks perfectly healthy and normal. Every strain is different and the same strain will also have variations in the phenotype. However it's completely normal and expected to fuss and fret when all is going well on your first grow.
Nothing stunted or slowed at all, looks perfectly healthy and normal. Every strain is different and the same strain will also have variations in the phenotype. However it's completely normal and expected to fuss and fret when all is going well on your first grow.

With respect, I'd argue that the growth is a little behind where it could have been without his initial tap root problems before he knew to plant directly into final container to avoid the problems of the aggressive tap root growth. This plant is at week 2 now essentially and just sprouted its second node.It should be going into flower in the next 2 weeks, and while a lot of growth can occur in that time, I don't think it'll be enough time to establish itself completely. You're right in different strains and different phenos. But in my experience, you should at least be at node 3 to 4 by week 2 in order to get the most out of the stretch at week 3 or 4.

With that said, OP - don't let that discourage you, I think you've got it stabilized now and it should grow much better now over the next couple weeks as it heads into the end of its vegging cycle. You can still grow a worthwhile plant from this, and then use the lessons learned in the early phase in your next grow to get it pumping from the start. Looking forward to seeing her grow and hopefully I can get proven wrong regarding the growth expectancy :)
Dude why do you keep saying this.NOT everyone plants in the Final container,. Most growers I know don't either. I don't have space.
Elcoban- Your plant looks good. the hardest thing to learn when growing is Patience!!
... Your plant looks good. the hardest thing to learn when growing is Patience!!
heheh thanks... so true about the patience, also learning to notget freaked out but diferent type of genetics, each plant grows differently i guess.
... With that said, OP - don't let that discourage you, I think you've got it stabilized now and it should grow much better now over the next couple weeks as it heads into the end of its vegging cycle. You can still grow a worthwhile plant from this, and then use the lessons learned in the early phase in your next grow to get it pumping from the start. Looking forward to seeing her grow and hopefully I can get proven wrong regarding the growth expectancy :)

cool, not discouraged at all, glad to be learning and to have people to discuss these topics with.

this auto is my first one and not from a famous breeder/bank so i'm not expecting much. will do two more auto seeds like this one to keep getting basics of autos as clear as possible before i go into my more expensive seeds hehehehe so... as long as i can harvest a few healthy flowers and learn in the process to apply with the bigger name seeds i have stored for future grows, i'll be very happy... if not, at least i must hav learnt something for next grows ;)

btw this auto auto ak is supposed to take 70-80 days... so I think it has time to produce at least a healthy cola.

i was thinking of training her, bend the crap out of her and get that stalk completely horizontal to make sure vertical height isn't a problem... this light seems to be more powerful than expected. i've always been able to do lst with my photos no problems.. hope this auto lets me train her too.