OF my man, I see some fat and juicy nuggies all lined up nice!

... things weren't so bad after all (we see much worse!)...
I think it was Prescription Blend nutes which we tested last year and everybody was quite happy! It's a 6-part system that's very smartly broken up so that you can tinker with ratio's if needed, and use some of the parts as an excellent foliar feed... 1 or whined about the 6 parts but I told them my #1 complaint about simpler or 1-part stuff is the total lack of proper adjusting flexibility, that the shot-gun blast method to nutes is a real gamble for quality results... If a few minutes of one's time is so precious that it mandates such speedy feeding, you better be prepared to ride th learning curve hard on it's use, and the variable effects and results it has on different cultivars... I know some swear on GLN/MC, but I stopped using it for good reason and found Rx Blend superior across the board. MoG is dialing in the MC 2-part stuff, so he can advise better than I can about it's use details...
If you want simple, an option is a quality true soil and KIS Organics Nutrient pack. My last round of autos did great in it, even if a bit hot (my bad), nearly water only for reals! I still used recommended goodies like Si, humic-fulvic, kelp and/or a micronute supp' (always with me no matter what the line), and of course inoculant... A simple tea shot now and again as well to boost the soil herd which is KING in organics as you know,... Oh and i did tickle them with a little mild PK boost a couple times,just a butt covering reflex really-

All you have to do is mix it in and let it cook a couple weeks... pH held just fine, zero defc. issues, good fade at the end but much less than usual vs. other nutes... It is cheating a bit compared to the real Organic Mechanics like Hecno and Eyes of Fire (he uses some KIS too, still custom blends though), but for those of us looking for KISS organic growing, KIS is the best I have tried to date... He is here occasionally (Tad the owner), and the Rx Blend guy is around too...
He might even be willing to sponsor a grow! In fact, staff should reach out to him to see if he's cleared by the company for another round of gratis grow&show... Stand by on that, meantime, you can of course reach out to him here anyway... read up in their section too!