La Buena Hierba La Buena Hierba Seeds Grow N Show of 2021

Anyone know why my EB Haze was searching for the sun with all her new growth pointing almost due south this morning just before daybreak? She wasn't pointing where the sun would come up. It was quite striking and I've never seen that before.
no one:
My plants: (just doing it)

Bring on that hot dry weather and a nice flower stretch................she's in some sort of stretch now!:drunks:

And I think that's just what Asian Haze is doing. I could finally see fine hairs at the first node down from the new growth, just like the one in the 15 gal pot. That's makes me happy and a relief. I kinda think this strain goes into flower stretch before she shows sex and keeps it running for a while. The 15 gal Asian Haze is still running along at her same hot pace
I was able to put the netting on the first level by installing it on the 'square frame' and using garden velcro tape, I was able to stretch out the center square enough to get the plant through the opening. That was more flexible that my first thought of using bungee cords. Good thing I couldn't find them! LOL! :funny:

If I can't find another net locally, I'll just use some stretchy tape on the top level.

I made this so it will fit inside my 4x4 also.
I put some blocks on it for anchors. I was out of gas on my torch to bend some rebar for anchors. I'm not doing a auto project where I might need a torch, so I'm just gonna stop by a muffler shop and have them put a hook on one end.

She's gonna get stretched out!!!:headbang::headbang::headbang:
View attachment 1343800 Bill, I'm digging that rig! Secured in-pot, or outside of it? What brand is it? I'ma give that a serious look....

Wow man, she's not wasting any time, that's the first one outside to go in bloom! Interesting,.. I would have thought she would have been longer in veg', right?
She'll be a neat and tidy girl for sure - :d5:

>>> ChemDawgSourDieselHaze is doing great as well, and so far not going into bloom though that top looks iffy still... but nothing but leaves so far, thank fek!
...very neat plant, nice structure.... I hope she keeps stacking nodes for a while yet- :goodluck:

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Stopped by Home Depot and found all the stuff for the Ultomato Garden Stakes
:funny: :baked:
Got another net today and tucked away and spread those stems out. It's not a stretchy net, but it works fine.
The top rung is a little over 5ft tall/ She's getting close to being as tall as me in that EarthBox.

Come on girl and pack it on! I'm ready fer ya!!

no one:
My plants: (just doing it)
SOOT keep sweet talking them girlies, they're coming around,...but I am worried about the time left for you outside... Can you ride them harder in the tent to size them up faster, then slip them outside end of August maybe? They will slam into bloom for sure,... you have the weather for it most likely...

Got another net today and tucked away and spread those stems out. It's not a stretchy net, but it works fine.
The top rung is a little over 5ft tall/ She's getting close to being as tall as me in that EarthBox.

Come on girl and pack it on! I'm ready fer ya!!

She takin' that challenge up on ya bro' :vibe:

@pop22 ... where you at bud? I lost track, are you running your girls?

>>> ChemDSDHz... I love this girl's body :spels:... she's a bit wilted here, plus it's windy,...
they have been getting 24/7 lighting..indoor and out……mix… @Waira
SOOT keep sweet talking them girlies, they're coming around,...but I am worried about the time left for you outside... Can you ride them harder in the tent to size them up faster, then slip them outside end of August maybe? They will slam into bloom for sure,... you have the weather for it most likely...

She takin' that challenge up on ya bro' :vibe:

@pop22 ... where you at bud? I lost track, are you running your girls?

>>> ChemDSDHz... I love this girl's body :spels:... she's a bit wilted here, plus it's windy,...
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Naaaaaa.........I think she's upping it! I measured her about noon today. She grew another 10in in 5 days instead of 7. :woohoo:
I guess she's now in her flowering stretch. LOL! Can they go that? Go from one stretch to another? Seems like she's been in a stretch about 10 days after I put her outside in the Earthbox.
Stretching out the limbs to squares this week, has exposed so many new sites. Whatever the reason she keeps raging, I'm fascinated to watch.

Full moon tonight and hopefully clear sky. Gonna spray some Zymes to catch some night bugs.

Man, that girl ya have there sure has nice STURDY structure!




She's well above my head and new bud sites are sprouting all over from stretching out the stems.
She's taking up about a gallon a day now! Yesterday she got a quart of bloom mixture with FFJ, a little amino acid and humic acid with Microbial Mass inoculation to the top and got two gallons of humic acid water with EM1 to help make sure the rez stays clean.
I love the flexibility with the netting!


Her sister is flowering quite nicely. She got the same blend of nutes earlier this past week.
As soon as she dries a bit more, she'll get another dose, maybe today or tomorrow.
Anyone know why my EB Haze was searching for the sun with all her new growth pointing almost due south this morning just before daybreak? She wasn't pointing where the sun would come up. It was quite striking and I've never seen that before.
:confused1: That's odd Bill, no idea...

I guess she's now in her flowering stretch. LOL! Can they go that? Go from one stretch to another? Seems like she's been in a stretch about 10 days after I put her outside in the Earthbox.
Stretching out the limbs to squares this week, has exposed so many new sites. Whatever the reason she keeps raging, I'm fascinated to watch.
...bloom stretch can be huge in many Sati's, so hang onto your hat brudda! :eek1: :haha: ... she's busy building a frame to hang those glorious bud from...soon I hope! :eek1:
Lil' Sis is a doll, she's going to make nice tufty buds I think... lots of building to go yet though!

>>> freshies, and better ones! This plant is my fav' so far, such a solid performer and forming up just right top to bottom,... little need for any LST training, plus she's lightly leaved as is, and plenty of space through her structure... :greenthumb:
