La Buena Hierba La Buena Hierba Seeds Grow N Show of 2021


Well, the little Asian Haze is chopped, lightly trimmed, washed, hanging up and getting blown by an oscillating fan for a few hours.
I'll take a few prime buds, trim them nicely and dry them. The rest will get bagged up and in the freezer for hash. That should be some killer hash!
Without her cage

My 5 bucket wash set up.
Working from right to left:
Hydrogen peroxide, bucket
Rinse bucket
Baking soda and lemon juice bucket
And two rinse buckets

Cut branches


Dirty buckets! I flung out crap many times! Most of what I got off the girls was dead pistils. Could it be the removal of the dead pistils be the reason people say washed buds taste smoother?

Strung up fer a few hours. with a fan blowing on them.

I'm really surprised how pretty and green they turned out!
:clapper::woohoo: :clapper: --- First girl in! A great run on her Bill, and I'm sure LBH will be pleased :greenthumb:This fast pheno' is worthy of chasing down!

How was her aroma at harvest?
I have no idea why she shed like that! :rofl: ...never had that happen to me before, not sure why they were so loose?
Pistils aren't harsh, it's all the other residues and debris that may make for harsher smoke, off flavors, etc.,...
Some plants never get smooth either, so other chemistry is at work there too....

>>> ChemDSDHz...
she gettin' close, but has some filling out to do yet,... seems slowed down for some reason... A little tip burn, but not enough to raise alarms. She's been a lighter than ave. feeder....
Buds frosting up nicely! Aroma is a mild fuelly, lemon/citrus, a little sweet and floral... resin feels oily, not really sticky right now....

Regular weekly update
La Buena Hierba Asian Haze is doing great! She's ramping up bud production and getting frosty.

I have found the beginnings of bud rot in a few places, but where it formed is very confusing. Several were located in the same part of the formation of the colas. It was the first bud formation down from the top main set of grouped buds. I found that a bit odd. Even more odd is the condition of that bud where it formed. The bud was in good air flow and was very wispy. Totally NOT where you would expect rot to start! It's very confusing.

The Phyter is working. At worst, it's slowing the progress of any rot that somehow gets established. When I find any rot, it's cut out and she gets sprayed at the next opportunity.

She's still drinking a rez in less than 48hrs. Dose of EM1 and humic acid in the mix of tap water that goes in the rez. I think next dry rez, she'll get her last dose of added nutes. It will be liquid this time and the water will be from compost tea I'm making for my other girls. It will be a last shot of goodness, as I see her coming down just before Oct1 if all things continue at the same rate. Bud growth is pretty vigorous.
I wanted to spray Phyter this morning, so I got outside early. Nice and cool 62*F with a high of 91. Forecast has some chances of rain this week, but with good temps. Further out is calling for more rain opportunities, but still good warm weather. Fingers crossed!!!!

Canna sure is a strange and complicated plant! I took cuttings from both Asian Haze for S&Gs. All the cutting took. I'm attempting to make seeds from Sour Stomper with STS. I should have sprayed Stomper at like 14 days, so IF I get mature seeds, they will be S1s. Anyway, I've been spraying the Haze cuttings. One just mutated with it's structure and ot's leaf formation. Neither cutting seemed to respond to the sprayings. They were on 18/6 and I flipped to 12/12 a few days ago to see if that will do anything. With it being a fast photo/semi-auto, that's the only thing I could think of doing.
Looks like that worked. All the little sites on her have shown changes and the leaves have realigned themselves to a normal canna structure. The leaves changing back was NOT an expected outcome. Last week, she only had one normal leaf on the entire plant. Now a very large percentage are looking more normal,
I'll harvest the pollen, but I have no idea what I'll do with it. Maybe pollinate couple buds on my next 4x4 tent girls just fer S&Gs.

I guess I have to start doing what I did in my garden for pest control!!!!!


Damn POS armadillo got into my Asaian Haze EarthBox last night!
I don't think it did much damage to the root system, though.

Times are changing!
Saw and heard a flock of migrating geese coming down before the cold front.
Next Tuesday and Wednesday are the next two days with chances of rain
and no more 90*F+ temps after Tuesday is seen in the forecast.
Buds are sure filling in, frosting up, getting super sticky and really starting to STINK.
Smell is a sweet citrus/grape with some other underlying funk that I can't pick out.
It's a very nice and pleasant smell.
She got her last top dressing slurry.
Her last feeding was a pretty good one to help finish her off in fine fashion.
Brewed compost tea with EWC, a little fine ground kelp and alfalfa and molasses.
Last 3 hrs Recharge was added.
A little of that tea was added to a blender with freshly sprouted two-row barley and blended carefully not to heat it up and then added to the tea bucket. I added my FFJ, humic acid and a little Blue Gold for flower to the bucket.
All of this was stirred up and then strained. The strained material was added to a bucket of compost. I added enough of the compost tea to make a fairly wet slurry. I check the moisture of the top of the Earthbox to determine the wetness of the slurry.
This slurry is my way of using liquid KNF amendments and compost tea without getting nutes into the rez. I treat the roots in the rez and the roots in the media as two separate systems and I really think that's basically how the plant is doing it herself. I think the rez roots are mainly uptaking water and the media roots are mainly uptaking nutrients.

Anyway......Asian Haze!:biggrin:
:smoking: Bill, did you show that plant to T20M Adam? he'll have some insights I bet....

:greenthumb:That chica is filling in very nicely man, does kinda look funny on such a leggy lean-boned frame huh! The cage was a smart call for sure Bill, or she'd be all over the place...

Did you smoke any of the small girl yet?

I'm a couple days out from pics, but not a lot of change in Chemie, just a bit of filling in. She's still acting slow, showing plenty of finish fade; very few pistils turning and not much calyx swelling... I'm expecting her to firm up some, but she's lothe to do it dammit! I want this bitch dooooone,...:rofl:
....She sure is stanky! Some fuel-funk and skunk from a distance, sweeter and something citrus/lemon with a rub...nice!

Oh, I found a small browned out rot leaf sandwiched between others today on a small inner nug; snipped it off as a tester just for why-nots - :eyebrows:
Confirmed it was just a wee single leaf gone bad, a second yellowing but not soft yet. No sign of spread, no stem diving! :yay: ...this is exactly how it stem dives too when in that location, so to see nothing else was great...:thumbsup:
This close to finish, I may not treat her any more... maybe 10 days to done? It's hard to read her with this sluggish behavior :rolleyes2: ...I did look at the trich's on the cut, lots of clear still so tic-toc tic-tok, on we goooooo....:doh: LOL!

That bud is loud even through a mini paper bag (maybe >gram dry this nugg), so when she comes in I think the stank is going to be tough to live with :rofl:

Naaaaa..........I haven't shown him what she looked like. Looked! She doesn't have one mutated leaf on her now. BUSHY as hell! Nothing was happening with the sprays, so I flipped the tent to 12/12. Now something is happening. The cuttings may have needed to have been flipped for anything to work with the STS with this strain.
She is kinda funky looking. The nets made training her a breeze. I like the way her structure turned out. I do feel that she would have been more bushy with more direct light. I can see the difference in the buds on the east and west sides. She's been pretty easy girl....all things considered.

I vaped some of the little girl. A fast high that hit the auditory section of my brain. It's gonna be gooooood hash!

Buds are rocking!



She's coming along nicely. Did cut some rot this morning. It was the top cola that I didn't cut enough off of previous rot earlier. That may be bad for some, but if Phyter hadn't been used, it would have spread a hell of a lot more. It was still small, it just was on the stem, so off it went.
I haven't bothered with the scope yet with all the really active bud growth. I'll but it out for this girl next weekend.

I'm still inclined to say Oct1. That's just over 120 days. Possibility of rain Tuesday, with the weather shifting cooler with lows in the low to mid 50s and highs in the 80s and the humidity in the low to mid 40s and full sun. Looks like a good finish is possible. Hopefully the lower night temps won't slow her too much.

It's just water, spray Phyter and watch closely until chop! I'm ready as hell! LOL!
It's funny how the main top can sometimes become sorta stunted, slow to finish... Last year the Pineapple I ran had a top that just stalled out in late bloom, it even had to stay on the plant another week after main harvest... after that it still wasn't fully ripe, but I had had enough nonsense from that bugger so off it came anyway!
Your nicest buds are all lateral tops :thumbsup:.... and for limited direct Sun hours, this girl did pretty damn nice! Her lean boned frame is part genetic heritage, part low-ish light, but the fat buds say it's enough with good bud:leaf ratio. I'm not sure about her modest branching, though I'm inclined to agree. She's such a mixed bag of genetics, it's a hard call! ...Maybe LBH can enlighten us down the road here. I keep expecting him to show up, but nada- :shrug: - here, or at the other forum I'm at...

You're getting perfect finish weather Bill, we want lower RH%, and cool nights aren't so bad if the RH% doesn't get too high either... My girl is showing slight dashes of color here and there, and seems to be filling in better now... We'll see what a week brings, damn stubborn about finishing this one! I'm going back to review how long she's been in bloom... longer than expected I'm thinking, I was figuring 6-7 weeks but that ain't the case...

I don't think in your all organic gig that you need to starve her at all Bill, some light hits just to keep some decent K and SO4 around for terp's production
is good,... I don't stop feeds myself with my KIS gig, save the last few days and that to start drying them out a bit before harvest so they aren't chock-full of water by then. It's a great plus organic growers get to enjoy, regardless of where folks stand on the whole "flushing" thing (mostly nonsense IMO in any case)... Have you seen this graphic yet, made by APTUS? it's say a shot-ton in one pic!
nute chart APTUS.png

All these clowns flogging their plants with high P-K from early to late bloom just don't get it... And if they don't balance the other nutes and factors right, they don't get what they could out of it anyway, just a TARFU situation with high EC loads and antagonistic uptake issues and pH prob's!
It's funny how the main top can sometimes become sorta stunted, slow to finish... Last year the Pineapple I ran had a top that just stalled out in late bloom, it even had to stay on the plant another week after main harvest... after that it still wasn't fully ripe, but I had had enough nonsense from that bugger so off it came anyway!
Your nicest buds are all lateral tops :thumbsup:.... and for limited direct Sun hours, this girl did pretty damn nice! Her lean boned frame is part genetic heritage, part low-ish light, but the fat buds say it's enough with good bud:leaf ratio. I'm not sure about her modest branching, though I'm inclined to agree. She's such a mixed bag of genetics, it's a hard call! ...Maybe LBH can enlighten us down the road here. I keep expecting him to show up, but nada- :shrug: - here, or at the other forum I'm at...

You're getting perfect finish weather Bill, we want lower RH%, and cool nights aren't so bad if the RH% doesn't get too high either... My girl is showing slight dashes of color here and there, and seems to be filling in better now... We'll see what a week brings, damn stubborn about finishing this one! I'm going back to review how long she's been in bloom... longer than expected I'm thinking, I was figuring 6-7 weeks but that ain't the case...

I don't think in your all organic gig that you need to starve her at all Bill, some light hits just to keep some decent K and SO4 around for terp's production
is good,... I don't stop feeds myself with my KIS gig, save the last few days and that to start drying them out a bit before harvest so they aren't chock-full of water by then. It's a great plus organic growers get to enjoy, regardless of where folks stand on the whole "flushing" thing (mostly nonsense IMO in any case)... Have you seen this graphic yet, made by APTUS? it's say a shot-ton in one pic!
View attachment 1368954

All these clowns flogging their plants with high P-K from early to late bloom just don't get it... And if they don't balance the other nutes and factors right, they don't get what they could out of it anyway, just a TARFU situation with high EC loads and antagonistic uptake issues and pH prob's!
LOL! Ya nailed everything! I do think she would have been a beast if she had been in the middle of a hay field with all the full sun.

At least I learned something with my mutant Haze cutting. All that spraying must have been a waste while it was on 18/6. As soon as I flipped the dang thing, it started ffriggin flowering it's ass off. So did the smaller haze cutting. LOL! I guess to block that female making hormone, the plant has to be ready to make it. That's just my assumptions, I haven't contacted Twenty20 yet.

Soooooooooo,,,,,,,,,,,fer S&G's, I got out some Q-tips from another girl-thang that may have took......well it took, just don't know if the pollen is viable with how tiny the male parts were. We'll see. I just wanted to see if it could be pollenated. I doubt if I would finish it out. It's a small tent. LOL