Lighting KVS, Magic Dragon, & Easy Ryder in air-pots w/ M3 soilmix under LED

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prez hope you got head room cause if yours turn out like mine she will be a big girl with very potent buds
i hope she'll grow taller, i've got about 4ft of vertical grow space so should be ok i'd love her to get to about 35 inches
my affy dom got 32 then slumped to 28" after she packed on 77dry grams
Magic already starting to bud up

Magic Dragon at day 26:
sept26 006.jpgsept26 007.jpgsept26 008.jpgsept26 009.jpgsept26 010.jpg

Kush Van Stitch at day 16, just getting going,
sept26 005.jpgsept26 004.jpg

Easy Ryder, growing like a dream also day 26
sept26 002.jpgsept26 001.jpgsept26 003.jpg

gotta update and run, time for work...
Lookin super happy and healthy my friend :smokebuds:
do the girls seem short?

starting to think i should raise the lights a bit or maybe i'm just being impatient... but the MD and ER seem short for their age thou the look healthy and are stacking bud sites like crazy
both at 28 days day28 001.jpgday28 002.jpgday28 003.jpg

the magic dragon:
day28 005.jpgday28 006.jpgday28 007.jpg

been tucking leaves on both er and md to get full light to all the developing bud sites of which there are many :)
I would keep the lights at 16-20" off the girls during veg bro :smokebuds:
Ya I've been only about 8-10 in away. Moving on up tonight hope they stretch a bit
moved lights up late on the 29th since then i've only got about two inches out of the magic and almost none from the easy ryder and KVS so this morning lights went up about another inch so they are almost to top of cabinet and i changed to a 18/6 light schedule to give them more dark time to grow and stretch... I'm really bummed about my KVS she has hardly grown at all while the other two are dowing just fine she seems to be the runt when i hoped for just the opposite. at day 21 she looks like day 12... moved her under the solarflare today she had been in middle position in cabinet between both lights. she also doesn't seem to be using nearly as much water as my other girls. despite the 2 gal airpot.