Indoor KushNFT - Dark Devil, Candy Kush and Himalaya Orange Diesel Autos in NFT

Dec 26, 2015
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Hi all, first grow journal on here so a quick run down of my setup:

The important bits are a 600W dual spectrum HPS and the NFT systems I use are called GT205 and have a 20L res. I have 3 NFT systems and tend to run one plant in each although with smaller strains there should be enough room for two plants.

Nutrients are IONIC Hydro Grow and then Bloom. Seeds are started in rockwool with about quarter strength grow nutes and some pH down to get to 5.6 then left to germinate in the NFT systems with a humidity dome over them. As they grow I try to up the nutes and get the pH swings going according to the nutes instructions (EC 2.0 for full strength and pH 5.6 to 6.2). When they stop growing up and start firing out flowers I switch to doing the same with bloom nutes.

Some pics from today:

Dark Devil Auto (middle):

Candy Kush Auto (right):

Himalaya Orange Diesel (left):

Thanks for looking in and if you have any questions fire away:pass:
Front row...
your in for a treat with the orange himalaya... she's a nice one
Glad to have you bud. You still recommending 20/4 for light times? That's what I'm running.

DDA is SueZilla after the lady who promted me to grow it, CKA is Michelle as she's short, wide and pretty and HOD is Bellinda as hopefully she'll have long legs and massive flowers lol
Lol yes the 20/4 has had the best results in my tent
Some DDA pics from yesterday....



And some from today too...

Dark Devil now on flowering nutes at about EC 1.5 although hopefully that will increase as she drives the pH up and creates more room for nutes to bring it back down. It's the same every time I flush now.....can only get the EC so high or my pH would drop out of range unless I use other additives.

I like adding nutes in top ups anyway. In veg autos don't seem to need too many top ups with nutes but by the time they are flowering top ups tend to be a bit more than splashing a bit water in the res.....seeing the EC go up and down lets me know how hungry they are and it looks like progress even when you can't notice much change above ground between res checks.

Candy Kush is starting to grow limbs but I really need to get it on a raised platform as it looks like it's going to stay much smaller than the others:

And last but not least Himalaya Orange Diesel is starting to move a bit closer to her power band, hopefully.....little bit of nute burn on the lower leaves so backed off the EC from about 0.8 to 0.6 and pretty much just replacing water in the res until I see her wanting more.
Thanks buddy.

Sitting here loving the auto smoke. Hopefully just a quick top up in the morning and out to play tomorrow as the boss and the bairn have plans that don't involve me:cheers:
Had a bit of a high pH and low EC moment with DDA but just had to add some more nutes to get the res back in range.



In the world of dark devils. Yours is about the biggest I've seen my friend. Great job