Dinafem KonopCH Critical+ 2.0 and White widow XXL

Looking great in there new homes which I'm sure the ladies are grateful for. Extra medium to spread those roots out which should not take long then these girls will really take off :thumbsup:

Nice job on the white widow xxl topping she looks to be recovering well :thumbsup: Nice timing to :bong:

Looking good in here and I'll be back in on the next update :bong:

All the best

What are you feeding them currently? Look a little pale, but maybe it is your lights. Good luck

WW XXL is nice dark green color, despite Mark said it's heavy feeder. I guess mine is not. :biggrin:
CR+ 2.0 had some Mg problems at the lower leaves, but newer growth is okay now when I added epsom salt. She's little pale, yes. Or better say not as dark as WW XXL.
I have them both on the same reservoir so I cannot adjust feed.
WW XXL is nice dark green color, despite Mark said it's heavy feeder. I guess mine is not. :biggrin:
CR+ 2.0 had some Mg problems at the lower leaves, but newer growth is okay now when I added epsom salt. She's little pale, yes. Or better say not as dark as WW XXL.
I have them both on the same reservoir so I cannot adjust feed.

I can see that the WW is darker. How far are your lights away? That can cause paleness, with Cobs.
40cm from the top of SCROG (installed yesterday). At 6x 20W = 120W COBs at the moment.
They're getting only 20.000 LUX at the tops.
Not that then. Can be from over watering. 4gal is a lot of medium that stays very moist on with Autopots, try getting a better pump...it will help root growth. And hopefully perk that one up. Good luck
Thank you for information and knowledge @slowandeasy !!
I was actually looking for 40L/min commercial air pump yesterday, but it consumes 20W... Need something as powerful, but for little less watts.
Im usin same one res 47l with one air dome n cheap air pump no water pump and hailea 9610 with 4 outlets n im using 2 outlets in one pot - very good results I'm happy