Dinafem KonopCH Critical+ 2.0 and White widow XXL

Im usin same one res 47l with one air dome n cheap air pump no water pump and hailea 9610 with 4 outlets n im using 2 outlets in one pot - very good results I'm happy
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Oh, I was asking myself how to block two outlets of these 4-pipes pumps...
I never think about to wire two outlets into one pot. Great idea. But... how you do it?
Hello, Maybe a 3 way Y or T splitter, 2 tubes from your pump into one, one from splitter to your pot, this may not actually increase the volume of air as the tube diameter can restrict air flow. (just a thought) :cool1:

So, today is day 34... 40 more to go... :smoking:
First time I'm using SCROG net. And it is the easiest way to train your plants. No wires, no big branches. Only net and you tuck plants everyday.
I installed it little high I think, next time I will lower it a bit. Because we grow autos, not photos.

CR+ 2.0 is responding well, no problems with her anymore.
I don't like WW XXL because she's short and those big leaves are... really big! :smoking: One bottom leaf is big as a pot, so 30x30cm!! :bow: And I cannot train her like I wish, in last 10 days she's not growing anymore... If you see CR+ 2.0 you see how she grows. Like a champ!

See 4 days difference:

Some roots at the top of the pot. Nice, white and healthy. From both plants...

CR+ 2.0.:

Ideally you would have had it on sooner and a little lower. You did a good job filling it with what you have. In a filled out scrog the growth under the the screen is usually useless. But wait until you fill your screen and the stretch has stopped. That White Widow looks like it is has more time to train. Good luck.
Ideally you would have had it on sooner and a little lower. You did a good job filling it with what you have. In a filled out scrog the growth under the the screen is usually useless. But wait until you fill your screen and the stretch has stopped. That White Widow looks like it is has more time to train. Good luck.

Yea, I said above next time little lower so I can fill little more. But as I grow autos, it's not the true SCROG we see on internet, as veg time is pre-determined. I look at it as some kind of upgrade of LST. I have more tops than I would have with LST.
We should see how big colas I get and compare with LST on previous plants... I think they will be lighter, but yield will be the same.

Yea, WW XXL is around 5-7 days behind, so SCROG will fill up some more.

You saying I can lollipop those autos under the net when stretch is over? Not gonna shock them too much?
People act like Autos are so easily shocked. If leafs don't get light exposure they will die, you will pluck them sooner or later. Just remove a few at a time.

As for Autos having a Predetermined veg time, that's a crock. Growing in a bigger pot adds time to your total growth. An Auto seedling will show sex sooner in a smaller pot, and flower faster. Stress, nute strength, overwatering can add many days to your grow.

You are doing a scrog, not LST. Your scrog is too high and you did it too late. It's not modified, you just didn't do it right. Your plants Critical+ 2.0 is light in color, get a better Air pump and it might perk up. Autopots keep your plants too wet, the pots are too big and they just sit in water. Without proper Air your Coco is staying too wet for your roots. Invest in a better pump if you want better results in 4gal pots.