Dinafem KonopCH Critical+ 2.0 and White widow XXL

People act like Autos are so easily shocked. If leafs don't get light exposure they will die, you will pluck them sooner or later. Just remove a few at a time.

As for Autos having a Predetermined veg time, that's a crock. Growing in a bigger pot adds time to your total growth. An Auto seedling will show sex sooner in a smaller pot, and flower faster. Stress, nute strength, overwatering can add many days to your grow.

You are doing a scrog, not LST. Your scrog is too high and you did it too late. It's not modified, you just didn't do it right. Your plants Critical+ 2.0 is light in color, get a better Air pump and it might perk up. Autopots keep your plants too wet, the pots are too big and they just sit in water. Without proper Air your Coco is staying too wet for your roots. Invest in a better pump if you want better results in 4gal pots.

do what I did. Cut the pot down and drill a bunch of holes in the sides. It does not hold much water like a stock pot does. My stock pots are really heavy compared to the cut ones.
They have filled out the scrogg svreen a treat mate :thumbsup:

Bud production is in full force with some really nice flowers forming and fruchike development has also began :thumbsup:

Looking fantastic in here my friend :thumbsup: . Thank you for the continued support and updates very much appreciated!

Keep up the great work and I'll be back in on the next update :bong:

All the best
