Dinafem KonopCH Critical+ 2.0 and White widow XXL

Okay, here we are... on day 58...

CR+ 2.0 has some serious troubles and she's really low nute strain. On the other side, WW XXL is more light green and very hungry. It's impossible to get both strains healthy with one reservoir like I have.
CR+ 2.0 also seems to be nute burned or... K defficient, which is more likely, because I quickly lowered base nutes from 2ml/L to 1ml/L (AN recommends 4ml/L by the way). But she remains dark green.
WW XXL seems to be P deficient.
@Waira please advise me. I can't flush because of SCROG. I don't have Accurate 8 pH meter as it's impossible to get it to EU. But I think CR+ 2.0 needs more K and WW XXL needs more P.
So I up PK to 1ml/L, BB is also on 1ml/L. Base is at very low 1ml/L, but I will bump it to 1.5ml/L next reservoir change.

Not really experience me bt if they were mine I'll put to res tank water ph 6.0 Cal mag 125% of dose and 1.25ml /L ab that give u ec 1.2-1.4 extra pk13/14 1ml/l n watch them how they react
Not really experience me bt if they were mine I'll put to res tank water ph 6.0 Cal mag 125% of dose and 1.25ml /L ab that give u ec 1.2-1.4 extra pk13/14 1ml/l n watch them how they react

I actually never go above 1.8 EC. This was only once with 2ml/L A+B and 12 days ago. From then, I lowered base down to 1ml/L and added 1ml/L PK. This gives me around 1.6 EC now. So I doubt nutrient burn is progressing in CR+ 2.0. That's why I'm suspicious to K deficiency in her.

Yea, I saw some dots on CR+ 2.0 leaves, which can be Ca deficiency. I already bump it from 2ml/L to 2.5ml/L in last 10 days. I will bump it from 2.5ml/L to 3ml/L next change.
I actually never go above 1.8 EC. This was only once with 2ml/L A+B and 12 days ago. From then, I lowered base down to 1ml/L and added 1ml/L PK. This gives me around 1.6 EC now. So I doubt nutrient burn is progressing in CR+ 2.0. That's why I'm suspicious to K deficiency in her.

Yea, I saw some dots on CR+ 2.0 leaves, which can be Ca deficiency. I already bump it from 2ml/L to 2.5ml/L in last 10 days. I will bump it from 2.5ml/L to 3ml/L next change.
Mine r on ec 1.6-1.8 bt different strain in 60 day will go ec 1.2-1.4 more cal mag n pk imo bt wait till someone experience reply
Okay, here we are... on day 58...

CR+ 2.0 has some serious troubles and she's really low nute strain. On the other side, WW XXL is more light green and very hungry. It's impossible to get both strains healthy with one reservoir like I have.
CR+ 2.0 also seems to be nute burned or... K defficient, which is more likely, because I quickly lowered base nutes from 2ml/L to 1ml/L (AN recommends 4ml/L by the way). But she remains dark green.
WW XXL seems to be P deficient.
@Waira please advise me. I can't flush because of SCROG. I don't have Accurate 8 pH meter as it's impossible to get it to EU. But I think CR+ 2.0 needs more K and WW XXL needs more P.
So I up PK to 1ml/L, BB is also on 1ml/L. Base is at very low 1ml/L, but I will bump it to 1.5ml/L next reservoir change.

I actually never go above 1.8 EC. This was only once with 2ml/L A+B and 12 days ago. From then, I lowered base down to 1ml/L and added 1ml/L PK. This gives me around 1.6 EC now. So I doubt nutrient burn is progressing in CR+ 2.0. That's why I'm suspicious to K deficiency in her.

Yea, I saw some dots on CR+ 2.0 leaves, which can be Ca deficiency. I already bump it from 2ml/L to 2.5ml/L in last 10 days. I will bump it from 2.5ml/L to 3ml/L next change.

Funny thing... this is exactly what happened to my CR+ 2.0.
.... Konop', I think yes to both, but I need normal light pics, and a couple leaf close-up's of each,... this light is lousy for diagnostics, and color rendering is very important for this,...
A bit of friendly advice, I think the major part of your problem is your medium. I noticed pretty much your whole grow you have struggled with pale looking plants. Now they appear very deficient. I believe you used a 70/30 mix? Perlite/Coco? If so, that's why you have had issues. You won't be able to make those current plants look super healthy at this point. But you were underfeeding while they are budding, and it shows. Adjust the feed and ride it out.

Next grow if you are going to use Autopots, adjust your medium. Do 100% Coco in one and 70/30 Coco/perlite in the other. See what you like better. Both will do way better than current mix of Perlite/Coco. I can say with 100% confidence that you will have the best grow yet if you take that advice. The main reason I get such excellent results is because of Coco. Coco is naturally airy, perlite is just a filler IMO. Not needed in Coco, soil...yes. Personally I would not try to take this grow extra long. Next round please take my advice, and you will see the difference. Peace, slow
A bit of friendly advice, I think the major part of your problem is your medium. I noticed pretty much your whole grow you have struggled with pale looking plants. Now they appear very deficient. I believe you used a 70/30 mix? Perlite/Coco? If so, that's why you have had issues. You won't be able to make those current plants look super healthy at this point. But you were underfeeding while they are budding, and it shows. Adjust the feed and ride it out.

Next grow if you are going to use Autopots, adjust your medium. Do 100% Coco in one and 70/30 Coco/perlite in the other. See what you like better. Both will do way better than current mix of Perlite/Coco. I can say with 100% confidence that you will have the best grow yet if you take that advice. The main reason I get such excellent results is because of Coco. Coco is naturally airy, perlite is just a filler IMO. Not needed in Coco, soil...yes. Personally I would not try to take this grow extra long. Next round please take my advice, and you will see the difference. Peace, slow

Thanks, slow! I am not worried about thise deficiency, because CR+ 2.0 will be harvested in 15 days, maybe little more work with WW XXL as she's taking little longer.

This was test grow with 70/30 perlite/coco to compare it with 70/30 coco/perlite. Definitely I will stick to more coco next time, maybe even try pure coco in the future. Problem is, this way I will need to buy new batch of coco, because I recycling it for a few grows. So it's mixed with perlite for now.

But I don't think they're pale and getting deficiency because of my mix. They're just two way different strains which share one reservoir.

Next time with less perlite and little bigger airpump... :eyebrows::eyebrows: Gorilla glue and C4, which are at 15 days now. But I will not document this grow because FB is not vendor here, so prepare for next one. Maybe Mephisto White crack and some Dinafem/DP genetics... :eyebrows::eyebrows:
Thanks, slow! I am not worried about thise deficiency, because CR+ 2.0 will be harvested in 15 days, maybe little more work with WW XXL as she's taking little longer.

This was test grow with 70/30 perlite/coco to compare it with 70/30 coco/perlite. Definitely I will stick to more coco next time, maybe even try pure coco in the future. Problem is, this way I will need to buy new batch of coco, because I recycling it for a few grows. So it's mixed with perlite for now.

But I don't think they're pale and getting deficiency because of my mix. They're just two way different strains which share one reservoir.

Next time with less perlite and little bigger airpump... :eyebrows::eyebrows: Gorilla glue and C4, which are at 15 days now. But I will not document this grow because FB is not vendor here, so prepare for next one. Maybe Mephisto White crack and some Dinafem/DP genetics... :eyebrows::eyebrows:
I can tell you from first hand experience that the FB Gorilla Glue is not very good, nothing like the real thing. However, White Crack will make you very happy. Get this GS sorted out before growing her. Best one you have grown so far IMO. GOOD LUCK