Dinafem KonopCH Critical+ 2.0 and White widow XXL

@slowandeasy I heard FB GG is not very stable. But I decided to give it a try anyway. She has three leaves at first, I hope for three main colas now. But she's bushy as hell. On the other hand, C4 is a beast!

@Burr_nit thanks, man. It should be my best harvest to date, yes. 2x Auto orange bud were 290g (A+), 1x White cheese was 200g (I think 150g A+ quallity, 50g B grade buds). I expect more than 300g now with these two. It will be zero popcorn as I SCROG them.

Btw, still on 140W COBs.

Anyone know if enzymes are good in autopots? Since they converting dead roots to nutrients I guess they must be used with top fed instead of bottom tray of autopots.
.... Konop', I think yes to both, but I need normal light pics, and a couple leaf close-up's of each,... this light is lousy for diagnostics, and color rendering is very important for this,...

Here I snap some leaves... They're prety much the same over the plants.

CR+ 2.0 is darker, I think Ca and K deficiency here... Base nutes are on 1ml/L over the last two weeks, so I think it's not nute burn as I said. I will leave it like is, as finish time is in 14 days... Only adding PK at 1ml/L now with base nutes.

WW XXL is more light green, underfed. Shows P deficiency I think. As she has 30 days till finish I am little more worried about her.

Please advise also how to save WW XXL... bump base nutes quickly to 3ml/L and add little more PK? Or bump everything as she's underfeed?

Whole picture to compare two plants side by side:

:yeahthat: Slow and Easy makes a good point, which you got,... one of cco's big advantages over other mediums is it's springy texture which makes for better "breathing'... a little perlite may help in bigger pots, but past a point, it's more of liability than a plus,... less working media (coco) less nute reservoir and active CEC,...
....no doubt, underfeeding over long term acting up here,... little to no "reserves" stored in the leaves, so they get tapped into sooner and harder, even higher up fans are getting stripped of their mobile nute reserves..... these are mixed P, K and maybe some micronutes (Fe, Zn, maybe S; hard to say now) symptoms, well advanced... no fixing then, just try to get more food in there to slow progression until harvest... Buds do look pretty damn good considering, and that because of the fans giving it all up- :crisps:... They will look like shite by harvest, but who cares, it's the buds that matter! So, PK booster, and micro's... ramp up dosage in res' to 2-3ml/L (not sure what full dose is, I don't use AN) and none of this 1-2 weeks of "flush" crap either, a few days will be fine of just clear water + a little Ca-Mg to purge what's in the "pipes",....
Well what a difference a couple of weeks can make :thumbsup:

That scrogg screen go devoured and some real fat buds forming with crazy crystal coverage :thumbsup:

I would say you do look to have a

Potassium deficiency but as you are approaching the finish line I would personally start to dial back the nutrients in preparation for the final flush :thumbsup:

They are really fattening up a treat and going to be very interesting to watch this grow cone to a conclusion :thumbsup:

Thank you for the festive season updates and added pictures very much appreciated!

Looking really nice in here and going to look even better in the coming weeks :bong:

All the best

Okay, we are now at day 68... I have RH at 55-60%, can't lower it to 50% or lower. I really hope they're mold resistant. @Dinafem-Mark ?

CR+ 2.0 seems okay now, I will let both plants to day 75-80, because I need space. CR+ 2.0 will be ready, no doubt.

WW XXL... I think she slowed down browning and drying, but however she's still struggling... I really hope I will save this one till harvest, how long do you guys think she needs? Will be 2 weeks enough?

Okay, I will start with CR+ 2.0. They are both 73 days old. CR+ 2.0 will be chopped at day 76. I am really impressed with her size, resistance despite my mistakes with underfeeding, fast flowering/growing etc. One of my best strains, finish in only 75 days and she gives a great yield. I think if I let her go without SCROG, she would be over 1.5m tall, maybe even 2m.
I will update wet and dry weight when I'll have those numbers. I think this will be my new best result.

WW XXL has less colas, but they're bigger/fatter. So can't wait to compare yield from these two strains. However, she needs 7-10 days more. Leaves stopped yellowing in the last 14 days when I up feed from 1ml/L to 3.5ml/L. From today till finish, she is back to 2ml/L of base nutes. I am not worried anymore, she will survive those 7-10 days, I am sure. This is also very resistant strain for mistakes, thank you ruderalis. But I like CR+ 2.0 more, mostly because faster finish time.
