Indoor KonopCH Auto glueberry O.G. and White crack

Looking great!

Seems like you're in for an amazing harvest - quantity and quality :thumbsup:.
Hope so. Having little problems with high RH, because it's raining the whole time. I trimmed one box of leaves, but RH is still at 65-70%.
I hope weather outside will be better soon...
Your plants look amazing! :greenthumb:I really hope the weather cooperates! :hurry:Good luck!
Day 55, night shots.
I trimmed a 30x30x30 cm box of leaves, half of box above net and half of box under net. But humidity is still 70%, just little above room RH.
GOG seems to be little faster if looking at hairs only. WC on the other hand is faster if looking at bud development. So she'll be down first.
Smell is nice, WC is more fruity and sweet, GOG has something more sour in it.
They're healthy, GOG showing some Ca deficiency because it's hot and humid here, still healthier than all previous rounds. Looks I really overfed them in the past. 1.5ml base nutes and 0.3ml PK and nothing else!! EC 1.4. Cheap as you can get.


Very nice growing and great pics :thumbsup:. Getting better and better in that tent.

Every grow you learn something. Otherwise you don't know what are you doing. :d5:

Looks incredible mate tent looks full to the brim proper jungle style but still very clean and well looked after!

Thank you. I like order. So I like order in tent too. :biggrin: