Indoor KonopCH Auto glueberry O.G. and White crack

34 days...

GOG on the left, WC on the right.
GOG is nice, branchy and easy to train. Typical DP genetics. She's pretty fast too. For now. Let's see if she will finish under 82 days.
WC has a great start. Now she refuses to grow side branches as before and as I was expecting.



Looking good @KonopCh :thumbsup:. I'm growing GBOG again (mine are on day 31, so we're close :smoking:) and she's a delight to train, takes topping and LST reaaally well, puts out a lot of side branches as you said and grows big :bow:. Think that she's going to be great in the ScrOG.
Okay, after 40 days my tent looks great. Little less stretch on WC, but GOG is a beast like all DP plants! GOG has very thin and fancy leaves, WC has more chunky leaves. I removed some to get better penetration, girls just don't mind because they're big enough to forgive. GOG has also been supercropped two times.

If anyone wonders what I use... Nothing, just Sensi bloom A/B from start to finish with some Ca/Mg. You don't need fancy bottles, NPK is NPK. So I spend maybe 5-7€ on nutes per grow. I bought 5L Sensi bloom years ago for 80€. And it last forever with 2ml/L. This time I will even lower that to 1.5ml/L because each time I get troubles 3 weeks before chop.



47 days gone and I am adding little PK to the mix. I lower base nutes to 1.5ml and added 0.2ml of PK. Final and total EC of solution with tap water and Ca/Mg is 1.4, so I will not increasing anymore. Leaving it the same till harvest. As I said, this is test grow with lower EC/base nutes, because I always getting troubles at around 50-65 days. Let's see what happens now. They're great in color and looking healthy, 100% healthy as not a single leaf is damaged. Talking about leaves, I strip a lot of leaves in last week to open buds a little more.

GOG on the left is little bigger, bushier and taller.
WC on the right is couple of days in front of GOG. Not as big as GOG, but frost is already there.


