Indoor Kindbud tests (for a friend)

So the girls are 28 days today. Other than the lowest fans that got splattered by nutes, they are doing great! I think they are gonna be fat bushes. I missed the topping window (my timeline) so just LST for them. I can visually see the growth from yesterday to today. Tomorrow they get two gallons of feed with MC at 1.5 gpg. I finally drilled the holes for tying down and got them leaning. The stems of the fans are thickkk! Like 6-7 mm in diameter… should be seeing pistils soon… don’t know. DLI at 38 for 24 still. If I keep the DLI even at the required for autos I should be able to run 24/0 schedule and not screw them? Maybe?:shrug:

You can’t read the whole thing but that’s 72F and 73%H. Gonna clean the bottoms up tomorrow, anything that’s near or touching soil. May do it now or this afternoon instead. Cuz procrastination is a Effing sin!!! If I don’t get at it instantly I’ll forget til 9 tonight then be to lazy, tipsy, and stoned to navigate the stairs! I’ve fell down them backwards once before and lost about 12 minutes… no more drunken stairs for me! Lmfao!
Weekly update- preflower
Day 34 for the big pot. Girls are doing good. Think they are ramping up for flower. I had to add another gallon to the pot to make sure it’s watered well. So, 2.5 gpg MC per gal. Lowered light for photone beta DLI reading at 45 per 24. They are a little limp looking, thinking they needed the drink. Didn’t get pics but all have first pistils showing.

As soon as I’m sure stretch has slowed I’ll defol and reposition limbs.
They filled in nicely since the last time I peeked in here. Are you expecting colorful phenos on certain ones? I saw your comment about the pink/purple.
Yes, I am seeing a distinct purple one and another is just showing light pink. Wasn’t sure about the colors. I believe I could possibly have 3 colors .
After the defol by kneel Jung lol
Here are pics before and after the defol and reposition of ties. Thinking some super topping will be necessary…

They are gonna get hard to water. Thinking midway thru stretch. Fed 2 gal of 3 gpg MC temp 72F