Grow Mediums Kaveekz Nirvana Northern Light Autoflower Grow/ 1st grow

Is this them

I can't even begin to try to tell the size haha all I can say about these seeds is that they were tiny compared to the bagseed I had picked out before. They were light white/green and about 1/16 of an inch wide. I had read some bad things about the seeds I had received(comparing color and the small size, some said it was improperly cultivated or some shit) but I couldn't be happier with them as I have a 100% germination rate with them and they are doing great so far. If you got them from nirvana should be legit, however from the picture the seeds look more like my big bagseeds but those turned out to be really good.
Smallest of 3 bagseed photos

Larger of the 3

Probably chop the last one tomorrow and attempt to paper bag dry it.
What up @Kaveekz420!! :clapper: Great job ma dude that was an awesome comeback! Just seeing the first pics and then these monsters put a real big smile on my face. Glad you were able to correct the issues you had. Got the grow tent bursting at the seams! :d5: Great job again kav. Look forward to the harvest pics
What up @Kaveekz420!! :clapper: Great job ma dude that was an awesome comeback! Just seeing the first pics and then these monsters put a real big smile on my face. Glad you were able to correct the issues you had. Got the grow tent bursting at the seams! :d5: Great job again kav. Look forward to the harvest pics

Thanks JR, really appreciate the kind words, Can't wait to post the harvest pics :D Thanks for the Rep too btw! I actually just went from the beginning of the journal and its been quite the journey haha
Happy New year! Day 72 update, Not much to show just buds fattening up. Finally solved my humidity problem

Thanks to home depot's 90 day return policy I was able to pickup a dehumidifier on a "trial" basis, so if it effectively fixes my humidity issues I will keep it, and if not I can always swap it back for a larger model.

It seems to have helped a lot as my humidity is around 55 on average and peaked up in the 60's yesterday(everytime I checked in there it was 55 up until 3am), going to try it for the weekend and see if I can live with it. I figure that yesterday since the RH in my room was around 80 and I had the humidifier running through the whole room it filled up really fast getting rid of all of the moisture currently in here. I ended up having to empty it out before I went to sleep and right when I woke up so I am strongly considering getting the 50 pint model instead for the larger reservoir.

This thing was so damn loud on high, I ended up connecting a vent from the dehumidifer into the tent so I could turn down the speed to medium, couldn't sleep with it on high. However with this grow as I squash one problem another emerges and it seemed today that due to the lower humidity it took more water than normal to get runoff, actually ran out of water for my last girl in the feed rotation(adequate amount, just not enough for any runoff). May consider running to waste every other day or 3 days, worst case scenario I gotta mix up two buckets of nutes every 5 days. I typically water to 10% runoff daily so I don't have to do the flushes that people do at the end of veg, etc. still planning on doing the two week harvest flush though.
@eggmansky @Chester Could either of you comment on the Northern light autoflower pistil color changes? My two smaller ones got orange pistils(40-60%) whereas my two larger ones are still for the most part white(10-20% orange). Wondering if pistil color change is an accurate indicator for this strain or if I should stick to the USB microscope to determine when ready. More so concerned when to begin my flush.
I go by the pistils and fans more than anything else ... when I see the number of brown pistils over taking the number of white I begin my flush ... I generally aim for a 2 week flush ... sometimes it gets shortened ... sometimes it runs longer ... I harvest a little later than some but I aim for maximum potency and yield ... my NLBB & Bubblelicious grow show a couple of plants as they age ... may want to check it out ...
I go by the pistils and fans more than anything else ... when I see the number of brown pistils over taking the number of white I begin my flush ... I generally aim for a 2 week flush ... sometimes it gets shortened ... sometimes it runs longer ... I harvest a little later than some but I aim for maximum potency and yield ... my NLBB & Bubblelicious grow show a couple of plants as they age ... may want to check it out ...

Awesome resource, going to take some notes my friend. Thanks for the quick reply