Grow Mediums Kaveekz Nirvana Northern Light Autoflower Grow/ 1st grow

@eggmansky @Chester Could either of you comment on the Northern light autoflower pistil color changes? My two smaller ones got orange pistils(40-60%) whereas my two larger ones are still for the most part white(10-20% orange). Wondering if pistil color change is an accurate indicator for this strain or if I should stick to the USB microscope to determine when ready. More so concerned when to begin my flush.

My very first two NL auto's were two methods: Hydro drip in coco and organic. The hydro ripened a full two weeks sooner than the organic. However, unlike Chester, I prefer to strip fan leaves near the end of the auto's life. In both cases, over 90% of the pistils turned a dark reddish-brown. It was difficult to find ANY pistils not withering. It was at this time both girls had virtually ALL cloudy trikes with a few ambers (my harvest target).

I have yet to experience a failed seed using Nirvana. My most recent Nirvana nuts number 12 and 13...not a single hitch in the giddy-up...

Also...the Nirvana NL's produced the BEST smoke I've harvested yet. Potency, aroma, dense buds, bag appeal. GOOD LUCK!
Day 79 Update
Side view to show my lovely ladies :D
Forgot to update that last weekend I did end up trading in the 30 pint dehumidifier for the 50 pint and it runs silent compared to the 30 pint. So much happier with the efficiency of the 50pint and the silent operation to remove more humidity than the 30 pint.

And my poor attempt to get a size comparison with the hygrometer(gotta get an empty beer can to compare)

I am under the impression that autoflowers have a limited life span as they are autoflowers. I am concerned as I plan to stop feeding nutrients in the next week, cutting off the tops(in the next 2 or 3 weeks) and allowing the lower buds to develop more. My concern is that since I plan to stop nutes in the next week, will it affect the lower buds that aren't receiving much light? They are still 100% white hairs compared to the tops which are around 40-60% orange.

Just loaded my volcano and ready to explore the depths of knowledge in the forums. Cheers!
Very nice job! But I think they have more time to ripen! As far as taking only the ripened buds and leaving the rest to go longer...ABSOLUTELY! You won't regret it even though it's extra work.

Even though you are cleansing the medium of nutrients, the lower buds WILL continue to ripen.
If you need an empty beer can, whiskey bottle or cigarette pack...I have plenny!:cheers:
We're using almost identical nutrients. GenHydro products. I only use the Silicone in the drip/recycler, however. Too alkalaine for the hand-water coco unless used in trace amounts. I do use it as a foliar spray tho.
We're using almost identical nutrients. GenHydro products. I only use the Silicone in the drip/recycler, however. Too alkalaine for the hand-water coco unless used in trace amounts. I do use it as a foliar spray tho.

Completely agree, I thought the amount of PH Down I have been using was pretty high for one grow, I probably only have 1/3rd of the bottle left and the ph up is still 3/4 full. My main concern was root rot and the guys at the hydroponics store told me that it would help deal with higher temps and prevent root rot, as well as help bulk-en up the stems.

As far as letting them ripen, I will try to be patient and continue giving them nutes. Been filling up a 5 gallon bucket every other day. My two small ladies are covered in crystals and all sticky smelling nice like they would be ready in two weeks, I think I'll wait for the bigger ones to catch up though.
I use a BOTONICAIRE product called 'Hydroguard' instead of the GenHydro product (rapidstart?). I use it with EVERYTHING I grow. An amazing product worth it's weight in gold! After harvest, I inspect the entire root system, no matter if it's hydro, coco, organic or just plain dirt. Since using this product, EVERY plant on my formidable property is cause for envy! I also use Micorrizae for all transplants and clones.
Day 86 Update
Decided to start the flush today(day 87-100). Checked out the tops with my USB microscope and all the trichs are cloudy, a few ambers in there. I took a sample nug off earlier this week and threw it in my vape after it dried out, I am very happy with the results, the euphoria was very strong. I didn't try to take pictures with the microscope because for some reason the software will only allow me to capture in video format. Also ordered some of that hydroguard to add to my beneficial nutrients selection. Foxtails forming off of the colas are very nice as I didn't notice any on my outdoor photo's.

