Grow Mediums Kaveekz Nirvana Northern Light Autoflower Grow/ 1st grow

Day 93 Update
Flush continues, I think I will chop them when the runoff stops being pink. Some shots focusing primarily on my 2 bigger girls. (back plants) 7-8 more days to go. Must remain patient...


First two weeks and the last two weeks are the hardest for me ... nice plants ... hope you've planned your dry space ... :headbang:
I am planning on hanging paper bags on my closet hanger bar. Pretty difficult I am really excited haha

Tons of advice on drying and curing here...
Also has a comprehensive method which works well...
Tons of advice on drying and curing here...
Also has a comprehensive method which works well...

Haha my bad I was referring to the patience and waiting, I got the paper bag method down first time around, convinced me it was best for all of my future harvest.
and as far as patience goes well I guess I lost the fight since I chopped the tops off 2 of my girls. Which actually ended up being a good thing since I now know that I don't have the space necessary to dry out all of them at once.

Harvest of NLA1 Tops.
This was what I thought was the smallest plant, Which was actually chopped on Sunday night. Day 95.

Pic below is what is back in the tent to finish up.

Some pictures of them trimmed. These are two separate plates.


Also I think I screwed up something, some of the buds on the lower parts were yellow/whitish or very light green/yellowish. I guess that since the canopy was so dense light wasn't able to get lower to ripen those up. I learned to chop higher my second time around. I chopped higher up on my second chop of this grow which was today. Next post for that update. Also I learned that the ripening of buds indoors is different from outdoors, when I did my outdoor grow all of the buds were on the same timeline to ripen.
Day 97 Harvest of NLA4 tops
This was one of my larger girls and who I suspect may end up being the biggest at the end. Her Leaves started getting brown spots and stuff, and she actually fell over from lack of balance yesterday while I was rotating the girls for watering.

Pictures before trimming.

Main cola I am pretty sure.

After trim.

Wish I took a picture of what went back in the tent, there's actually so much nugs left on there to ripen.
I kin smell dem suckahs from here!
Most of my harvests have undercooked buds...still learning...
Thanks Eggmansky that makes me feel better about it, what do you do with those buds? Toss em in the trim pile or let them dry out and then smoke em anyway?