Grow Mediums Kaveekz Nirvana Northern Light Autoflower Grow/ 1st grow

Looking great bro, nice set-up. I almost went with NL but went with Nirvana's Short Rider instead, cant wait to see where your ladies go. keep up the good work.
grow well , be happy.
Looking great bro, nice set-up. I almost went with NL but went with Nirvana's Short Rider instead, cant wait to see where your ladies go. keep up the good work.
grow well , be happy.

Hi NugNubs,

What a coincidence, when I ordered my NL autos I also ordered short rider. I made the decision to grow those next grow as I was concerned with different nutrient needs and I am probably not ready for maintaining two different strains at the same time. Definitely going to sub up to your thread and check it out!
Weekly Update! Day 37 right now

Veg Day 31 11/21 Fed with week 5 nutes, going to keep up with daily tucking to get light to lower nodes.

Veg Day 32 11/22 Same. Did a bit more tucking

Veg Day 33 11/23 Did some LST today as I wanted to get more exposure to the potential bud sites.

Veg Day 34 11/24 Watering with Week 5 nutes, will dump and make new mix if I don't have enough water for tomorrow.

Veg Day 35 11/25 Feeding with Week 5M2 nutes, keeping a close eye for full flower for the next 7-10 days. Also keeping up daily with the canopy and making adjustments where necessary to get the best penetration.

Veg Day 36 11/26 Feeding again.

Day 37 11/27 Noticed clawing on some leaves, may need to reduce the nitrogen I just upped on these girls.

Nutrients up to date below (realistically from Week 4 and on the 5 gallons of water only last 4-5 days.)

Pictures of NLA1-4 below. NLA1 top NLA4 bottom.









Now I just gotta get them to grow up vertically because they are getting wide. I did notice a bit of clawing today, but they are also yellow so I am a bit confused. Probably give them a few days to see how they adjust. Definitely going to have to start bringing them out to take decent pictures as the 2 back are slightly bigger than the 2 front. Overall I am pretty happy with how bushy they are now, the growth was crazy this past 2 weeks. Just want to say thanks again to everyone who contributed advice towards my first grow. I am dishing out the reps but I got the novice limit I think. I really been meaning to check out other grows but college and thanksgiving seems to have taken most of my time this week.
They are looking great, I wouldn't worry about that clawing you see, I have a Sour Diesel clone that is doing it too as well as both the short riders did it as well. Many other grows I have looked at had the claw as well. When you do your Short Rides they will def be bigger than mine I think well done sir.
Weekly Update Day 44 - This one will be really brief, I don't have time to take pictures of indivduals this week as I have been busy cramming for my finals coming up and being a procrastinator sucks.

Day 38 11/28 Fed with last of W5M2. new batch coming up

Day 39 11/29 Fed with W6 mix

Day 40 11/30 Fed with W6 mix. Need to inspect Point of interest on NLA1

Day 41 12/1 Fed with W6 mix

Day 42 12/2 Fed with last of W6 Mix. Need to draft up bloom mix.

Day 43 12/3 Fed with W6M2, decided not to do the bloom mix until I confirm they are done stretching.

Day 44 12/4 Need to measure today to see if they are done stretching. Will feed with W6M2 again.

Side view of the girls in the tent.

Angled top view of the girls.

I bought a small Evadry dehumidifier and it barely does anything for the humidity problem I got going on in there. So I have decided to go with damp rid hopefully it helps. If it still doesn't help I may end up getting one of the $160 dehumidifers but it bugs me since I am already running AC and theres no room in the tent for a dehumidifer of that size so I will more than likely end up having to vent the dehumidifer into the tent. Also frustrated about defoliation as the content in the forums is quite controversial on both sides, I know I am getting water on spots that leaves are touching each other and I would like to prevent the buildup of powdery mildew by all means.

So a small list of my to-do as far as this grow goes is:
- Measure the ladies for stretching today, last measurement was 2 days ago.
- Determine if the DampRid is enough to bring down the humidity to a safe level for my ladies.
- Determine when/if/where I should defoliate to increase my yields and contribute to the reduction of humidity. Also need to determine how to correctly do that, just pull off the whole branch connected to a big fan leaf or just the leaf itself? Do I need to patch up the spot after I rip it off and is it better to use pruning tools or just pull it off by hand?

A little stressed on multiple matters. After I get this final exam out of the way I should be able to tend to my ladies with more care than this week.
Update as I haven't had the time lately. This picture is from Day 58 which was 12/18 Friday. Interesting enough that the one on the top left was the late sprout and farthest along with the biggest colas forming. 3rd sprout in the picture below this one, as I took it out to rotate my ladies for watering.

Picture of the smallest of the batch or runt outside of the tent.

Up to date nutrient list

I think they are doing great, could probably be feeding them more but I don't know what I need to increase to maximize yields, just playing it safe with that 2 to 1 ratio of bloom to micro. Humidity is still an issue at 70% but I can't really afford the dehumidifer right now and lack the space to incorporate it into the grow, just checking periodically for the PM so far so good.

If anyone has experience with the General Hydroponics flora trio and can give some insight on what to increase that would be great, I have just been trying not to go over 100% of the recommended strength listed on the Expert drain to waste plan by GH. Next week will increase to 4ML micro to 8ML bloom as suggested for late bloom even though I am probably only in the mid bloom.

I think they might be a little hungry or is it just natural for plants in flower to suck up nutrients from lower leaves and defoliate? It seems that way since these are leaves that are not getting light anymore.

I am also pretty stoked because my outdoor photoperiods(bagseed experiment) grown in coco haven't received nutrients since they got kicked outside just being watered with tap water and they are almost ready for harvest, sampled some yesterday and If time allowed for me to cut it I definitely would have. They definitely look A LOT better than the buds I got them from. Little picture of the nug after I microwave dried it(I WILL NOT DO THIS TO MY PRECIOUS INDOOR HERB). Currently half cloudy half clear trichs. Really happy because the bud this came from was a tint of brown, real low grade cheap stuff.
Everything looks great bro, some of the best bud I have grown outdoors was from mystery bag seed. Regarding the humidity, it's a bit hard to tell but in the pics it doesn't look like there is much opportunity for air exchange in the tent. I was having RH problems as well at about the same point in my grow, I had an intake with a pc fan but not much in the way of exhaust ports and my RH was in the high 60's when I opened up a bunch of exhaust, 3-4x the size of the intake my RH dropped into the high 40's, maybe you need fresh air in as it looks like you have a filter set up, the air exchange will give your girls some CO2 as well. I hope some of that may be helpful to ya. Happy Holidaze my friend. Grow well!
Can anyone help? Noticed these "rashes" on my leaves of my NLA1 a couple days ago, Currently on Day 28



I mean they are a lot greener now, and growth is still good for me so I am trying not to worry. Would appreciate any feedback regarding these weird patches.
Jungle juice by advanced nunrients will stop them spots mine are all better and I was trip in