Jack Herer - 1 of 3 girls is going down. Help!

.... could be a few things,... I need more info about how specifically you're running the coco; drain to waste, dripper, etc.,...Have you run coco before? [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] problem I see here is people treating coco like true soil,... what kind of run-off volume are you producing? Are you monitoring the EC/TDS and pH of the run-off? AN "self-buffering" only works while in solution, not once in the pot, too many other influencing factors there,...water source, Ca-Mg use? light distance to tops? 100% sure this is a photo, or at least is responding like one,...
His first grow... pics of his nutes uptop and pics of plants bud

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..yes I saw,.. doesn't provide the info I need,....
..yes I saw,.. doesn't provide the info I need,....
Sorry...think hes kinda set on doin a flush anyways...but when i posted that i wasnt tryin or i hope u didnt think i was bein a ass i tried tellin him as much as i could with what he was posting

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.... could be a few things,... I need more info about how specifically you're running the coco; drain to waste, dripper, etc.,...Have you run coco before? [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] problem I see here is people treating coco like true soil,... what kind of run-off volume are you producing? Are you monitoring the EC/TDS and pH of the run-off? AN "self-buffering" only works while in solution, not once in the pot, too many other influencing factors there,...water source, Ca-Mg use? light distance to tops? 100% sure this is a photo, or at least is responding like one,...

Drain to waste. About 20% runoff. I am not checking the EC/TDS or pH of the run off. Not sure how to do that or what to look for.

The light is a good four feet from the tops of plants

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.... could be a few things,... I need more info about how specifically you're running the coco; drain to waste, dripper, etc.,...Have you run coco before? [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] problem I see here is people treating coco like true soil,... what kind of run-off volume are you producing? Are you monitoring the EC/TDS and pH of the run-off? AN "self-buffering" only works while in solution, not once in the pot, too many other influencing factors there,...water source, Ca-Mg use? light distance to tops? 100% sure this is a photo, or at least is responding like one,...
I don't think it's a light issue the other two plants would be exhibiting the same symptoms.

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.... 100% sure this is a photo, or at least is responding like one,...

I'm not a hundred percent sure... plant was donated to me by someone who didn't know. I sent him an email but haven't heard. The plant is getting worse today. Might have to chop early ;(

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I would get a second opinion for sure... transplanting so far into flower could hurt your plant more than help, and chopping so early would just be a waste of time and nutrients.
I would get a second opinion for sure... transplanting so far into flower could hurt your plant more than help, and chopping so early would just be a waste of time and nutrients.
Ok I'm flushing for a week wait and see...

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... it's not that uncommon to see an auto turn out to be a photo, usually by error or bad breeding,... there are a lot of half-ass genetics out there!

... well, with no info about those 2 most important things, you're in a real bind,... such monitoring is mandatory with coco, or you end up with problems like this, and no means to determine what to do next,.. the problem is, if you have a toxicity issue (salt build up) and/or off pH, feeding more will make matters worse... if you're lucky, it's a simple lack-of issue and upping the feed will fix things,... But with no ppm and pH info, I can't offer you any solution other than a blind flushing and rebooting the feed schedule,... in coco, you shouldn't flush with water alone, or you'll screw up the CEC balance in there, if that not TARFU already,... recommendations are to use RO/Di water, with 150ppm of Ca-Mg, plus another 150ppm of nutes, pH to 6.0 and pour through until the run off is at or near input readings,... but again with no TDS/EC meter, this becomes a risky gamble to do blindly,... sorry mate, no way around it, you need the right gear to run coco,....:goodluck:
Are you dead set on a flush? I grow in coco and I don't flush at all until the final week. I would wait for @Waira hes the plant whisperer lol