Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.

Nah its a bit on the long side for me as well-the raven is the longest one ive read.
This conversation has turned way to civilised!
Weres the early morning drinking and going to work stoned comments lol

I've started working for itisher like this.

Bud is a breakfast beer.
No, it was intending.

I've never read it, I like my poems limerick sized!

But I reckon the title was misinterpreted as olde English, that funny f/s letter they used. It was loft and not lost.

Have you read it?
I hate poems. The only poet I like and read is Poe. :)

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A slice of apple will do the trick mate.. Any watery fruit or veg works..

Deffo stay away from the onions tho.

Any taste or smell imparted (natch for the onions)?

I've got a packet of smash or a tin of mushy peas. I'm edging towards the peas, what you reckon?