Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.

Mmmmmm. Fat metabolites!


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Think it was a day knocking the cupboard out and a couple of days working on the ceiling. Pretty sure it's muscular. Just need to medicate a bit more!
View attachment 633604

Saw this and thought of you.
Awesome! Love the pic. [emoji2] [emoji108]

I've been busy here, too. Time seems to be flying by. I'm going to set up a tent inside my closet, for sex stuff. For the plants. Not for me. The sex stuff, I mean...

LOL [emoji16] [emoji28] [emoji23]

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Think it was a day knocking the cupboard out and a couple of days working on the ceiling. Pretty sure it's muscular. Just need to medicate a bit more!
View attachment 633604

Saw this and thought of you.
According to mom, she even looks like me a bit! [emoji106] [emoji16]

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She worked for mars, yer the choccy people.

She was a 'confectionery consultant', she went round pak...erm.. corner shops and arranged their displays to favor mars products in return for freebies.

Absolutely none of the freebies were consumed at itishome.ever.almost.

As for appliance connectivity, no. If I walk in my kitchen and it's flooded, that's a problem. If I'm on the beach and it happens it's not a problem. If I'm on the beach and my washing machine thinks my kitchen is flooded, that's only a problem to my washing machine.

it is isn't it?

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I waved an almost empty jar at itisher just now and this is the conversation.
Last of plant 2.
How many were there again!?
3. But the first 2 were the smallest.
And what's going on up stairs!?
Couple of weeks from harvest, a bush ready to flower out, small auto,a cut rooted for us a haze seed germed.
Production line flowing,yeah?
Fucking yes Judy Moncada! Feel free to get up the ladder and mix the Fucking jollop!

She's only back at work the day man!

it is isn't it?
I feel like we underestimate it, you have to have a certain number of plants going all the time.

Please don't run out again, I go crazy when you do... [emoji52]

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