Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.


You ARE a crazy Master of Fuck**g Gigantic Buds! OMG! You're a monster!

[emoji76] [emoji7] [emoji76] [emoji7] [emoji76] [emoji7] [emoji178] [emoji178] [emoji178] [emoji178] [emoji122] [emoji122] [emoji122] [emoji122]

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Thanks witchy.

It's a nice strain and I didn't make any massive fudge ups. But, if I grow anything like this in the future, I will defo have a chop party! Friday I did 4pm till 1 am. Sat 5am till 10 am then 6pm till 1am then 5am till 9am today (sunday).

Friday there was 3 of us and itisher was clipping for the evening shifts (she REALLY manicures a bud, she didn't do a massive amount,but hers will be the silkiest smooth sweet smoke).

it is isn't it?
Actually I lied. She's been flowering for 3 weeks of that. I buggered up her early years.

That's the beauty of photoperiod plants U, if you upset them early on there's chance of recovery. With autos the clock is always ticking. [emoji1360][emoji1360][emoji1360][emoji1360]

Isn't it past your bedtime?

It is, isn't it?
Thanks witchy.

It's a nice strain and I didn't make any massive fudge ups. But, if I grow anything like this in the future, I will defo have a chop party! Friday I did 4pm till 1 am. Sat 5am till 10 am then 6pm till 1am then 5am till 9am today (sunday).

Friday there was 3 of us and itisher was clipping for the evening shifts (she REALLY manicures a bud, she didn't do a massive amount,but hers will be the silkiest smooth sweet smoke).

it is isn't it?
That's awesome! I'll have to come help some time.

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