New Grower InkAddicts perpetual magical grow garden

Bud pics.... The one with the spots is ready but looks like shit ..
Only 2 are bad and one is ready to chop anyways....
At that point than it’s worth just keeping if you can than and try to save what you got and hope that it’s still good when u smoke it :)
Your buds look fine to me. Looks like some kind of calmag overdose possibly. Dunno. But the end product should be ok. Had something similar happen with my Strawberry Nuggets but it is damn good.
Cool ya cal-mag overdose for sure....has to be ... This all started when I used cal-mag with every water.....
Worm castings.
5.8 or whatever the Haze dropped to is crazy low. I’ve never grown in small containers & maybe that has something to do with it.
10 min later it popped in my noggin....duh wc is worm Yes could be small container....5gal....