New Grower InkAddicts perpetual magical grow garden

What is the cross?
Dark jedi x don't know pollen made it in my flower tent....but I did pollinate a devils cream with dark jedi and banana purple punch...thats Dark Devils Mystery Punch....
Dark jedi x don't know pollen made it in my flower tent....but I did pollinate a devils cream with dark jedi and banana purple punch...thats Dark Devils Mystery Punch....
Idk if you follow my grow thread but I have some dark Jedi crosses going. Pretty nice plants.

I even got my avatar on my
smart watch.... carbinox titan pro....this watch does everything....has a speaker where I can make calls and listen to music....heart rate, BP, step, spo2, shutter for camera, weather, sleep, exercise....shit what can't it do.... 250$ on sale for 125$