New Grower I Need Nutrient Help/1st Grow Advice/LED Advice

If you're growing in the same setup, then you should be able to achieve the same results, unless the strains were very different and you had high yielding plants in the first run, then ran dwarf plants. Otherwise, you should be able to replicate the results on your own.

At a certain point during blooming, I start noticing that brand new buds will never catch up with the already grown ones, so I start removing these lower, tiny buds. I also clear the bottom of the plant and add a side light shining through the plant.

Besides squeezing and bending the branches, this is the other technique I try to religiously follow. I really believe it helps the plants reach more of their potential.

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My orobvlem was that every grow I have changed something soil, nutes or light..
That can make it difficult to get a routine and a good benchmark for what is going on with a grow.
That can make it difficult to get a routine and a good benchmark for what is going on with a grow.
Yup, what he said. You have to try something long enough to see how it works, then you start making changes to see if things improve. But you have to have something to compare the changes to...

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Like now, I have 3 led lights in my 1m2 tents, and heat is becoming a issue, and its only end of winter... my prima klima(125 400cfm) is at max , got one vent inside lights are 60cm above canopy, temp on top of canopy is 29c with wide open window in my tent room.. I mean fck sake..