New Grower I Need Nutrient Help/1st Grow Advice/LED Advice

The main issue is space and light. If they get large they won't have room to spread out and only the tops get good light. Each plant, in my opinion, needs at minimum 18 x 18 in footprint. 24x24 would be better. All you can do is try it and see how it turns out. 14 plants are going to smell, a ton!

are those inches or?
Inches, i am not good with metric
I'm asking to know what to convert,because I wanna know if my 6 pots in 1m2 are too much...
I'm asking to know what to convert,because I wanna know if my 6 pots in 1m2 are too much...
6 in that spot could be too much if they decide to get big? What size container?
6 in that spot could be too much if they decide to get big? What size container?
I say it's WAY too much! In a square meter, I wouldn't go with more than 4, and think 2 may be ideal, depending on the size of the plants.

As soon as a plant touches something, it stops developing in thay direction, so crowding the space guarantees that your plants won't grow as much as they could.

I'm actually gearing up to try something, I'm going to try to fill a 4 x 4 tent (close to a square meter, I think) with a single plant. I had 4 and it felt crowded to me. These are photos, by the way, but I've had auto monsters that filled and spilled out of a 1 1/2 x 3 tent.

Now I have two in there and they're ok, but they might have grown more if they hadn't shared with two other plants until recently...

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6 in that spot could be too much if they decide to get big? What size container?
I keep them in 15 air pots.. @witchyhour I didn't know that man.. I got a problem I need minimum 300g (11 OZ) per harvest good stro0ng Indica perdominant autos..
That why I was driven 6 girls averring 50gplant gives me 300g harvest..
I keep them in 15 air pots.. @witchyhour I didn't know that man.. I got a problem I need minimum 300g (11 OZ) per harvest good stro0ng Indica perdominant autos..
That why I was driven 6 girls averring 50gplant gives me 300g harvest..
It's not really a problem, it'll just be crowded and plants may not reach their full yield potential, but you'll get by. Just watch for touching branches during bloom, especially when it's hot and humid. You can get bud rot under those conditions.

11oz is a pretty bold number, especially for someone who's just starting. But you're right, an average of 2oz per plant is a very achievable goal. I'd say 2 to 3 is my average auto plant. Every now and then, you get monsters, and sometimes you get real dwarves, but between 2 and 3 is a good average.

Sorry, pretty stoned right now...hope I'm making sense.

Oh, and it's woman, not man. [emoji6] [emoji106]

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It's not really a problem, it'll just be crowded and plants may not reach their full yield potential, but you'll get by. Just watch for touching branches during bloom, especially when it's hot and humid. You can get bud rot under those conditions.

11oz is a pretty bold number, especially for someone who's just starting. But you're right, an average of 2oz per plant is a very achievable goal. I'd say 2 to 3 is my average auto plant. Every now and then, you get monsters, and sometimes you get real dwarves, but between 2 and 3 is a good average.

Sorry, pretty stoned right now...hope I'm making sense.

Oh, and it's woman, not man. [emoji6] [emoji106]

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I must say this is my 6th grow.. First grow I got 13oz from 5 autoskunks GHS and one a superhash pyramid seed, with help of my buddy in lolipopping them, after that I was seduced by that hArvest but could not achive it by my self.. You can check my new grow in here I will tag you.. I have a really soft spot for women, It's in my genes, both of my grandads were women lovers ,one had lived double life with two wifes and family.. :) Soo hellou .. ;) I got problem with humidity my average room hum. is around 30%.. it's Very dry place where I keep my tent.. Don't worry For post it stoned,I understand it all!!
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If you're growing in the same setup, then you should be able to achieve the same results, unless the strains were very different and you had high yielding plants in the first run, then ran dwarf plants. Otherwise, you should be able to replicate the results on your own.

At a certain point during blooming, I start noticing that brand new buds will never catch up with the already grown ones, so I start removing these lower, tiny buds. I also clear the bottom of the plant and add a side light shining through the plant.

Besides squeezing and bending the branches, this is the other technique I try to religiously follow. I really believe it helps the plants reach more of their potential.

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