New Grower I Need Nutrient Help/1st Grow Advice/LED Advice

Oct 2, 2016
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SETUP : 20 Autoflowers(pineapple express, cherry bomb, girl scount cookies, blackberry kush, purple kush, all fem) in a 9ft length/6ft width/7ft heigth. With 4 300w Mars Hydro Full Spectrum using Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil and water all at 6.5ph in 5gallon smart pots with proper ventilation, 60% humidity, temperature at 75 degrees.

Will I need to add any Nutes with this soil already being so rich in them, or calmag, I am also using tap water that typically leaves small calcium buildups. With proper watering and so many additives in the soil already, where could this go wrong? There is a lot of empty space as well for these to flourish, the light fills the room with reflectors help and it's a 100% sealed room. All inquires/tips would be amazing. Also, if all is done properly, does anyone have an estimate on what a yield like this might bring in?
@SpaceGod hey dude have you already got/ decided you def want to use ffof soil?
If not have a quick read around the forums.
Yes there are some growers who have good success with pre ferted soils and autos.
But a hell a lot of the problems in the infirmary/ sick plants section come from these kinds of soils.
Autoflowers generally prefer a light mix soil and then nutrients after 10-14 days.

If youve already got the soil you could try getting a lighter soil and using it for the top layer.
You will still need nutrients after week 4 or 5 from the threads grows ive seen.
And usually even hard water needs supplimented with calmag- better to have it incase a deficiency pops up too.

Sounds like youve got the temps humidity under control.
I would be a little sceptical that 4 mars 300s will cover 20 plants too?
Yeild is a hard thing to guesstimate- is this your first grow?
@SpaceGod hey dude have you already got/ decided you def want to use ffof soil?
If not have a quick read around the forums.
Yes there are some growers who have good success with pre ferted soils and autos.
But a hell a lot of the problems in the infirmary/ sick plants section come from these kinds of soils.
Autoflowers generally prefer a light mix soil and then nutrients after 10-14 days.

If youve already got the soil you could try getting a lighter soil and using it for the top layer.
You will still need nutrients after week 4 or 5 from the threads grows ive seen.
And usually even hard water needs supplimented with calmag- better to have it incase a deficiency pops up too.

Sounds like youve got the temps humidity under control.
I would be a little sceptical that 4 mars 300s will cover 20 plants too?
Yeild is a hard thing to guesstimate- is this your first grow?

@sanguine This is my very first yes, I have spent months and months building and experimenting with humidity and temp. I unfortunately already bought all the soil thinking that would be the best way to go, but It has not started yet so I will do that to the tops of the soil, would you say about 2inches and the rest fox farm? I am skeptical about the lighting situation as well, each mars hangs just the right height over 3 plants but the setup with the reflectors everywhere seems to also have good lighting coverage expanding the light to the other 7 in the row. It is setup as 10 plants each, 9ft row suspended 3 feet in the air on shelves with 3ft 8in wide/7ft length of empty space between both sets of 10 plants, should I buy more 300w Mars to be safe and how many if so?

I am trying to have 1 great BIG run done properly, no room for any mistakes here, I know starting with 20 is a big leap for a 1st grow but I know with help from you guys it will be a fantastic journey!
You will need more lights, at least 2. I am not certain but i dont believe the soil has enough nutrients to cover a full grow. It hasn't been having good reviews lately so you will probably need bloom supplements. I cant imagine 20 at one! Rock on.
Not really my area of expertise i grow in a hydro setup under hps lighting, im a bit of a yeild chaser too!
Ok in your situation i would get a couple bags of a lightmix soil- instead of just making the top two inches light mix, try and have it so its more like a pringles tube shape.
Becase the roots grow pretty much straight down first.
You could fill the pots half way with ffof then get a cutting of 4 inch or 6inch pipe and keep filling around it- then fill the pipe itself with lightmix soil then pull the pipe out!
Youll also need nutrients for after week 5 or whenever the soil runs out

I would agree with @Dudeski at least another 2 of those- if your budget allows it.
Are you any good at diy/basic electrical work. If so you could make your own cob leds?
Not really my area of expertise i grow in a hydro setup under hps lighting, im a bit of a yeild chaser too!
Ok in your situation i would get a couple bags of a lightmix soil- instead of just making the top two inches light mix, try and have it so its more like a pringles tube shape.
Becase the roots grow pretty much straight down first.
You could fill the pots half way with ffof then get a cutting of 4 inch or 6inch pipe and keep filling around it- then fill the pipe itself with lightmix soil then pull the pipe out!
Youll also need nutrients for after week 5 or whenever the soil runs out

I would agree with @Dudeski at least another 2 of those- if your budget allows it.
Are you any good at diy/basic electrical work. If so you could make your own cob leds?

@sanguine I may be able to afford atleast 2 more lights. Would those LED Grow Light Strips work ^ if I ran them along the entire 9ft wall atleast 3ft high against both walls? Each plant would almost be touching them. I will pringle the soil that is a great idea, it might save me from nute burn. Would I need to start supplementing before the 4-5 weeks if I did that and which light soil mix do you recommend brand wise? And will the Fox Farm Tiger Bloom nutrients work well or are those only for hydroponics?
I wouldnt recommend those grow light strips- i dont think they would make much difference at all.
Im uk based so a good soil for autoflowers here is plagron lightmix or biobizz lightmix-
Your north america based? Maybe something like roots organic 707?
Fox farms light mix soil is called happy frog.
But theres reports of low/ acidic ph out of the bag with it- like the ocean forest.

No im pretty sure tiger bloom works fine in soil too. Pick up a calmag suppliment too.
And if you can an accurate8 soil probe could be really useful
I wouldnt recommend those grow light strips- i dont think they would make much difference at all.
Im uk based so a good soil for autoflowers here is plagron lightmix or biobizz lightmix-
Your north america based? Maybe something like roots organic 707?
Fox farms light mix soil is called happy frog.
But theres reports of low/ acidic ph out of the bag with it- like the ocean forest.

No im pretty sure tiger bloom works fine in soil too. Pick up a calmag suppliment too.
And if you can an accurate8 soil probe could be really useful

@sanguine Perfect, I will order the Accurate PH-8 Meter, calmag and tiger bloom, any other nutes I should have on hand? Would mixing the Happy Frog/Ocean Forest be considered the same as using a light mix like Roots Organic 707? If so I would just do half/half pringle style.
Those are 72w LED Grow Strips, If i ran those along the walls by the plants, would they offer more light support where there seems to be little in an effective way?

Thank you for all your help!
You are going to need more overhead light. Those would be a good supplement but not primary lighting.
You are going to need more overhead light. Those would be a good supplement but not primary lighting.
This would be the setup with more light. @Dudeski
3 Lights along a 9ft wall with 10 plants x2, so 6 300w Mars LED Full Spectrums. Between both 9ft rows of 20 plants total, there will be about 4-5ft width of space where both sets of 3 lights hang. Each set of 3 are spaced out 1ft 5inches apart.
Would this do the trick and if it doesn't will any of the plants instantly die or show signs of there not being enough light?