Outdoor Hillbilly Rig-A New Adventure

Chopped and hung in the crawl space on Sunday. Humidity dropped with the cold snap. Hopefully the cool weather will compensate and slow down the dry

Very nice! You always have a great looking plant despite your limited conditions. I am surprised you haven't taken over a small section of closet somewhere for a bit more space.

Obviously from prior results you don't need it but..... would a small clone tent make it easier in the first few weeks? Gorilla make a couple small ones.
Very nice! You always have a great looking plant despite your limited conditions. I am surprised you haven't taken over a small section of closet somewhere for a bit more space.

Obviously from prior results you don't need it but..... would a small clone tent make it easier in the first few weeks? Gorilla make a couple small ones.
I’ve been tempted to jump full in on a quality setup, but I keep talking myself out of it as I grow way more than I need already. Honestly, the challenge is kind of fun.

Spending its first day in the sun. Put a small humidifier in our closet and set it in front of the window.
Day 9-Getting the first rays of the morning! On sunny days, I get 9 hours of sun between mornings in an east facing window and the rest of the day in a south facing window. 4 days of sun so far, the rest of the time is spent under the lights in the utility closet. 24/7 light at this point.
Bottom fed a bit of water to help encourage root growth.

Now time for some Midwest Widow and coffee ☕:peace:
Day 9-Getting the first rays of the morning! On sunny days, I get 9 hours of sun between mornings in an east facing window and the rest of the day in a south facing window. 4 days of sun so far, the rest of the time is spent under the lights in the utility closet. 24/7 light at this point.
Bottom fed a bit of water to help encourage root growth.
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Now time for some Midwest Widow and coffee ☕ :peace:
Nothing can beat sunlight bro!! :cheers:
Day 13-Blackstrap getting its first sun “outside”. Technically in the garage so the wind doesn’t get to it. Gotta love February in MO, could be frigid and snowing or could just as easily be walking the dog in shorts and a t-shirt!

Growing nicely the last few days. Getting bottled water only so far. Not much, just enough to keep it happy. Spraying the leaves pretty often since the humidity is so low.
Happy camper so far.
