New Grower Hey Ho, Let's Grow! LEDs/Autopots

Thanks. I’ve pushed the ducting further out since I took the picture so it doesn’t look like that anymore. I don’t want to put the filter too low because the hot air is at the top, and because I don’t want too much of my CO2 bucket getting sucked out. I have no idea about ducting though - bends and U’s.
Another set of those newbie leaves are showing. One seedling still has a seed helmet. I hope they all get leaves soon. I set them under the LED now and gave them a light mist of distilled water with a drop of Superthrive in it. I hope they all get leaves soon.
@bushmasterar15 Yes. I’ll be putting them this weekend. I’m using choir and clay pebbles. Should I soak those in a mild nutrient solution, or plain ph level water at first?

I pre charged my coco for autopots with a very mild feed & small dose of calmag - didn't on my previous grow and had a lot of issues at the start - all peachy this time round :)

Also put a layer of pebbles on the top after the sprout started to get some length. Gives it a bit of stability if you've got fans on and makes the surface slightly cooler - I think!

I washed em first and let soak in PH 6 water for 24 hrs so they wouldn't interfere when i was top feeding in the early days.
CocoTek Coir sometimes comes salty. Mine wasn't, but the consistency varies. Check the ppm to make sure you don't need to rinse excess salt out first.