Grow Mediums HemiSync's Autopots w/Fast Buds G14 & Grapefruit Autos

What a difference a week makes. I came home after my week away visiting the holy land, Denver Colorado and found that my timer had gotten stuck on and the lights were on 24/0 on my poor girls that were use to 16/8 so the fan leaves got burned and dried up pretty good. The buds are fine and while mostly cloudy have no amber at all. They smell great and are sticky as fly paper. I need the trays and the tent for the Dark Devils I have going so I took them both out of the tent. I put them in a large wash tray and emptied the rest of the reservoir into it so they will have something to drink. Then I placed them in my fruit cellar, which is about 55 degrees and pitch dark.

I don't have time to harvest them before going out of town again and hope this might freak them out to produce some more resin and maybe amber up some. It has worked for me before with some other plants I had. Anyhow, here they are at day 90.

Some big girls you for in the end hems! The buds will be lovely under the leaves, intrigued to see what period of darkness will do.

Won't keeping them at 55 encourage mold though?:shrug:
Not really, while it's 55 the humidity in the fruit cellar is so low there is little chance of mold. I put a couple girls through this last year for four or five days and was quite surprised at how well they took it. I found trimming was much easier afterwards because the fan leaves were just falling off after a few days in the dark. This time I'm primarily doing it to stall the harvest as I had no time between trips to do it, but will be interesting to see what happens this time.
Back from my last trip for a while and the girls were stinking up the fruit cellar. In the dark for six days and they are sticky as heck and smell delious. It's a beautiful hot day here so I threw them out in the greenhouse for their first light in days. Will be looking closer at the trichs later but will most likely be chopping these girls in the next few days.

So here they are at day 96!
Back from my last trip for a while and the girls were stinking up the fruit cellar. In the dark for six days and they are sticky as heck and smell delious. It's a beautiful hot day here so I threw them out in the greenhouse for their first light in days. Will be looking closer at the trichs later but will most likely be chopping these girls in the next few days.

So here they are at day 96!
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Looks like the dank, should be a pretty heavy stone. :baked: Have you looked at the trichs? Imagine they're pretty amber.

Very nice growing bro, looking forward to a smoke report.:d5:
