Grow Mediums Help me decide on AutoPot setup

Nice setup but definitely overkill on the lights im running 7 3500k autocobs in a 4x8 also dont need the XL pots the smaller ones will grow monsters as well

I have used a few diff brands of nutes all have their pros and cons, just received some megacrop and very excited to try it out 1 part complete nutrient formula no mutiple bottles to measure mix etc

If i was just starting out I'd definitely go with megacrop 9000 grams for all of 60 bucks will last years for some growers, i run remo currently the full line has 7 bottles 1 liter of velokelp(most expensive) is $44 might last 2 full grows if that

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Use a good mix like black Gold. You don't need FoxFarm etc, just a light mix. I like the coco mixed in better than perlite as coco does help hold buffers. Also, I beleve my ph stays pretty stable as I use baking soda for PH up. Been using it for years with no problem. And if you use a soil mix, shoot for a ph of 6.5

Sorry @Hashash, Don’t mean to hijack your thread but I just had a Eureka moment that might benefit you too.

OMG, :thanks: thank you so much. I have been fighting these damn weird deficiencies since I switched to coco on BioTabs, AN, and now MC. This grow, with the one plant being in soil, I see the difference so much it hurts. I was actually considering all soil next grow.

Check it out. The only change to this photo is I enlarged the plant in the background for a better comparison to the one in the foreground. The plants in the background is also smaller that’s because she’s in a 1 gallon pot in soil and perlite, which is sitting inside the autopot tray being fed the same thing the other plants are being fed. She looks 100 times better than the others. Also her main cola while small is rock hard compared to her sisters and I have done nothing to her the whole grow.
View attachment 913122

So thanks again for confirming what I was quickly coming to realize. Soil next time, I’m thinking either or on the perlite/coco addition. The are basically doing the same thing.
I've no bug problems usuing soil, and if you do d=see any, they are likely beneficials. I've never sen anything chewing on my plants, except F'n spidermites and they didn't come in from a bag of soil..... Just keep away from soils like StayGreen...........ewwwwwwwww...... Now thats bug city! Any light mix is fine with nutrients

interesting. i grow better now that i dont do so much coco. i now blend coco and perlite and hp pro mix and biochar. im afraid of soil because i associate it with bugs. but i know i can add in crushed mosquito dunks and DE to prevent fungus gnats. i am going to really consider adding some soil to my recipe next grow.
I've no bug problems usuing soil, and if you do d=see any, they are likely beneficials. I've never sen anything chewing on my plants, except F'n spidermites and they didn't come in from a bag of soil..... Just keep away from soils like StayGreen...........ewwwwwwwww...... Now thats bug city! Any light mix is fine with nutrients

My first ever grow was in soil and I picked up fungus gnats. More likely do to over watering rookie mentality and I had no bug prevention like DE or mosq dunks. Now a year later I think I'm ready to get some soil in to my pots now. Especially seeing what you are doing with greenleaf megacrop and soil. And what others are finding.
You guys are scaring me, what am I doing right lol
Straight coco, air domes on only when lights are on.
Day 43 from sprout Purple Haze Auto and Blueberry auto 54 days


This is a great thread and I've taken a lot of notes, thanks.
Beautiful! Now you know why we love auto pots!

Thanks @pop22

My last harvest from my AP's
Grow Totals to date 3/10/18

Green Crack Auto>>>>>>>> 8.6 ounces
B.Berry Auto1>>>>>>>>>>> 6.9 ounces
B.Berry Auto2>>>>>>>>>>> 9.6 ounces

Total>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 25.1 ounces (not counting trim and popcorn)
