One last final, final thing. Get in to the habit of the doing the following daily if you can.
- Measure the water level in the res and record it and make sure it's going down each day.
- Look in the trays every day to make sure you see liquid in them.
- Pick up the pots just a bit out of the try and make sure they feel as heavy as the day before.
- Or any combination of the above steps. After a while you will develop your own way of checking.
There are a multitude of reasons why you could have an issue with autopots not feeding the plants. You might have forgotten to turn a valve back on when it was off for maintenance. Or maybe a clog. As unlikely as you would think these things could happen, something certainly can happen. And after you get used to them you might get lazy or lax because the system is so automated and you just assume all is well.