Hecno's on going organics

@Waira Here is one for ya , Do you have one - Vanilla orchid , I was given these the other day . :thumbsup:
Guys , These cobs lights keep amazing me . I am getting growth that is unreal . The Blackberry Gum would have been taller if it was't on 12/12 for its first 2 weeks
I will grow more of these strain , Now the MAL is at 65 cm . I'm think at least a mtr with her . Just a recap . Soil - my own - Cal/Mag every water . I have used organic nutrients mixing my own NPK . and a Bat guano tea of my own making . Now this might sound a bit odd , but it is boring as nothing is going wrong .
--- So Far -- I have also taken lower leaves off when I believe they are redundant and small pop corn buds and training has only been leaf tucking . [emoji106]
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Got to love those COBs! Wait till those nugs fill in. Oooowweeeeee...just like mom used to grow.

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:doh: Duuuh! Papaya,... you know, I think I asked about it last year...? ...it rings some muffled bell in me gourd for some reason! :baked:.... @Rev. Green Genes-- No wonder I was grinding on this! :haha: Sniper and Rebel both have mentioned Paw-Paw fruit as a true Appalachian treat,...

:jawdrop: holy poop tea BatGuano-Man!! Nothing boring about those beasties Hec', that's truly excellent growth showing there- :clapper: :growing: :hump: -- those girls are throwing elbows now, an impressive jump from the last recent update, mate- :d5: ... the branching and noding-up is crazy, so many bud sites,...they are going to yield for you my friend! ....Yeeeeshhhh, some under-skirt pruning is wise, Grassmokah,...:biggrin: You don't want a coco/Autopot monster like Hans had, but it was a great example of how well coco can be done!
COB's are rocking Hec', that extra intensity and longer hours does make a big difference,... your boys are going to hound you unmerciful:rofl:

Speaking of hounds,...:amazon: How's that warrior Boof'? Still tangling with goanna's? :nono: :rofl:

:greenthumb: oo, oo! Vanilla.... :drool:.. no mate, that's a true tropical lady, we had some difficulty with them even in the hot house at the orchid nursery,... What a trip, to think that body habit-- a vine for all intensive purposes!- is an orchid,... there are some others that have very long internodal spaces, and a wire-like rhizome (Oncidium globuliferum), but the cool super-thin bulbs are still there, unlike Vanilla,...
..... do you know what species yours is? Vanilla has 100+ species,.... planiflora is the most common one for extracts, native to Mexico,...
:doh: Duuuh! Papaya,... you know, I think I asked about it last year...? ...it rings some muffled bell in me gourd for some reason! :baked:.... @Rev. Green Genes-- No wonder I was grinding on this! :haha: Sniper and Rebel both have mentioned Paw-Paw fruit as a true Appalachian treat,...

:jawdrop: holy poop tea BatGuano-Man!! Nothing boring about those beasties Hec', that's truly excellent growth showing there- :clapper: :growing: :hump: -- those girls are throwing elbows now, an impressive jump from the last recent update mate- :d5: ... the branching and noding-up is crazy, so many bud sites,...they are going to yield for you my friend! ....Yeeeeshhhh, some under-skirt pruning is wise, Grassmokah,...:biggrin: You don't want a coco/Autopot monster like Hans had, but it's a great example of how well coco can be done!
COB's are rocking Hec', that extra intensity and longer hours does make a big difference,... you boys are going to hound you unmerciful:rofl:

Speaking of hounds,...:amazon: How's that warrior Boof'? Still tangling with goanna's? :nono: :rofl:

:greenthumb: oo, oo! Vanilla.... :drool:.. no mate, that's a true tropical lady, we had some difficulty with them even in the hot house at the orchid nursery,... What a trip, to think that body habit-- a vine for all intensive purposes!- is an orchid,... there are some others that have very long internodal spaces, and a wire-like rhizome (Oncidium globuliferum), but the cool super-thin bulbs are still there, unlike Vanilla,...
..... do you know what species yours is? Vanilla has 100+ species,.... planiflora is the most common one, native to Mexico,...

You have an orchid nursery? how lucky! Best one I've seen was the Myriad botanical gardens in Oklahoma City. Their hothouse is a huge barrel shaped greenhouse with a pond below it. I'm sure there are better or bigger, but if you have the chance. Check it out.

I'm not at all surprised to hear people calling papaya pawpaw. It makes total sense. And as Hecno pointed out, Asimina triloba is the Appalachian fruit called pawpaw. Complete with childhood stories and songs.

You have an orchid nursery? how lucky! Best one I've seen was the Myriad botanical gardens in Oklahoma City. Their hothouse is a huge barrel shaped greenhouse with a pond below it. I'm sure there are better or bigger, but if you have the chance. Check it out.

I'm not at all surprised to hear people calling papaya pawpaw. It makes total sense. And as Hecno pointed out, Asimina triloba is the Appalachian fruit called pawpaw. Complete with childhood stories and songs.

I don't know about the rest of you in the northern hemisphere but this talk about paw-paws is getting me excited about spring.

Hecno can you grow outside down there in the winter? I have a buddy in Florida who will veg indoor and then move the pot outside to flower. It works great because he grows year round.

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:smoking: No Rev', I used to work at my friends species specialty nursery back in the day,... 3 greenhouses, hot/intermediate/cool, and lots of micro-climates in each... So many were not pot growing types, about 30% of the place were hanging racks of one kind or another,...:vibe:... man, I miss that job! They boarded collections there, some were from rich folks who wouldn't blink at the prices on some rare species, or had very old specimens, large collections,... we had Angraecums that were over 7' tall, 50+ years old,... some were extinct already (Madagascar has been fucking raped! :cuss:),.... Those are a hoot! Huge flowers, but you had to be there at night to enjoy the aromas, many of this family are night creature pollinated, typically moths,...the power of the aroma could knock you back a step! After 15 min in there, it's all you could stand! :rofl: --the smell is nice, but becomes heavy and cloying fast,...
That Myriad Gardens sounds awesome! The Atlanta Botanical Gardens is a fantastic place too I hear, hold many rare/extinct species,...really, these days such place are conservatories anymore,... many species can't be propagated in culture well, if at all,.. double ditto for tissue culture!
Where is the best place to go poach some bush soil Hec?

I'm in the yarra valley, it's actually pristine further up! (people reffer to the yarra as the upside down river..)

There are a couple of perennial reserves around, or I can find a good clean strech of river bed. What should I look for chief? If you can send me a sample I'm up for that! *wink wink nudge nudge* lol
@fettled6 - ---- The other major soil type is much younger in origin and is a highly friable, brilliantly coloured red volcanic soil. This immensely deep and fertile soil is found predominantly around Seville, Hoddles Creek and elsewhere on the southern (Warburton) side of the valley.--- . I would start around this area . I'll send ya some sample of soil next week for you . Pm me you address again . :thumbsup:
Sounds like mallee soil, might be able to find some at a soil centre hmmm (if they stock mallee root even better, root material would be good micro activity?

I'm not likely to be big on soil but it's fascinating, probably will let the fish have a rest and go with soil for micro breeding haha! Thanks Hec!
6 days since last update . Still in cruse mod and soil still holding out well . I am very happy with the way the tea is working and they well get another one on the weekend , - ML - is at 83 cm . :thumbsup: