:smoking: --photo' plants look great man! Who's who in there mate, I really am drooling over those crosses! I see they're quickly blowing through the "roof"-

that's the African and South American Sativa sides talking there!

.... Hey, I saw the other day, CannaBioGen has their first ever auto out-- CBG Auto, and they used Destroyer in it!

That just became the cherry atop my wish list


Bottled micros! Say it ain't so!

-- you mean you didn't go walkabout and mine the rare earth ores yourself?! I wouldn't put it past you (ditto for bat poo's)-

- looks very good Hecno, as a matter of course, I put some in their feeds every week no matter what,.. a steady, ready supply is just smart! ..... Thanks for the tea recipe mate, what's the NPK on your bat guano?

sweet orchid Hec', that's the
Den. phalaenopsis right? Do you splash a little tea on them? I hope the Vanilla is doing well! ..... I'll post up some others here shortly,.. the Gongora has 2 spikes

... the
Tillandsia argenta spikes are opening finally, so good pics of those coming up soon!.... I've been dividing a lot of stuff by necessity lately, and the monster Laelia is still to come-

-- space is becoming an issue, with what's now 3 plants instead of 1.... Stanhopea, Clowesia, Maxillaria, Isabellia, even the tillandsia!...

.... that one was a big clump, but started falling apart finally,...
....lovely nanner's mate! Are they a sweet variety, or the starchy ones folks like to fry like chips?